You know, reading all my blog subscriptions in one fall swoop (or maybe two - I think there were 128 of them at one point) instead of on an as-published basis has forced me to realize what a diverse group of blog buddies I have.
There are straight people, gay people, and transgender people. People who can't conceive children, people who adopt, people who have no trouble conceiving, and people who don't want kids at all. Stay at home moms, office monkeys, medical professionals, writers, law enforcement & lawyers, people who work in media, people who are creative, and many that don't even talk about their jobs. Mormons, Catholics, Christians, Jews, Atheists, and non-religious types. People who live in NYC with me, CA where I'm from, and everywhere in between (including other countries). Some I've met in real life and some I haven't.
Everyone has different experiences and I get to read about them while they get to read about mine. It's just all very grand.
Ok, sentimentiality over. *sniff* I love you guys!
ps - I didn't include links because usually there is more than one person in each category, and I don't want to pigeon-hole someone into a specific category - after all, I read them because they are fun, not because of what I've labeled them. Plus, there are some that are uncategorizable.
If you haven't already, check out my blogroll. Everyone on it rocks.
Water Balloons
1 day ago
Isn't the blog world cool? I don't keep up my blogroll anymore since I switched to Bloglines, but I now subscribe to 471 feeds and every single one of those bloggers has a different but equally interesting story and viewpoint to share.
You're so right. Blogging/reading blogs is awesome. It's opened so many doors in my mind and heart(cue corny chik-flick music). I still need to update my blog roll.
we love you, Des.
What flutter said.
Thank you for saying I rock.
You rock too.
Thank goodness for blogs or I would not have the pleasure and privilege of knowing you.
Thanks Des! Right back at ya.
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