Is it wrong to cry when you find out that someone you hate has children? I mean cry with anger and disgust, not sadness. Well maybe a little sadness. But it's common enough for one repulsive person to find another repulsive person to so whatever it is they do behind closed doors (thus violating all laws of repulsion). But to find out that they bred? They actually created another repulsive person? Why?
Maybe the child is not as bad as the parent. But they are still considered tainted goods, just because they are associated with that person you revile. It's a damn shame to get news like this.
Water Balloons
2 days ago
Just remember that it isn't the child's fault. He or she didn't ge to pick the parents. Feel sorry for the kid though, they don't have much of a chance, do they? Children become what they see...and if they see idoicy they become idiots. It's a vicious cycle.
I'm talking more about when those kids grow up. But yes, monkey see monkey do.
I'm always amazed that it's easy to spot the moms who were popular when they were in school. Even in OS's preschool class there's a clique of "popular" girls and their moms are in a clique of their own.
Gross. I've just imagined..(shudder)
Yuck I didn't want to actually picture it!
Oh, yes. I know exactly what you're talking about. I grew up with a wretched girl who married a ridiculous man and they just had their second child. Their older child is the most awful little girl ever. It makes me sad, because she just might have had a sporting chance if her parents had been decent humans, but as it is, she's ruined. Hopefully one day she can pull herself out from under their horrid influence.
But sometimes it is possible for the child of the Awful to grow up with the insight to see the Awful around them, and vow to move far, far away from the Awful and become Not Awful.
Trust me; I know. :-)
That is a rare but wonderful thing.
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