With Flag Day fast approaching (6 days!), the subject of gifts has come up repeatedly. I already know not to expect anything from Craig. Something about a $600 plane ticket...
My dad is very reliable at sending me a check* for $25. I will get a little trinket from my mom in about 2 years, along with any other bday or xmas presents that have accumulated over time. My sister is very good at sending a card, sometimes with a Target gifcert. Craig's family (parents, grandparents, aunts, sister) usually send me a card and a little something too.
So I've come to expect these things like I'm a little kid. Sure, nobody ever buys me a new bike, but nobody ever did anyway. When I get cash, I make a point to go actually buy something fun with it, instead of just depositing it to pay bills. I do prefer cash though, just because there is a universal belief that if you like something, you must be obsessed with it and so anything everyone buys you must have to do with it.
For example: At one point I liked dolphins. I still like them, but as much as I like anything else. However, my mom is still buying me dolphin trinkets, 15 years later. Seriously, I've gotten over it. Same thing happened when I got my faerie tattoo. Suddenly I was hit with a barrage of faerie-themed stuff.
A friend of mine recently surprised me with some beads for my bday. She was going to find cats or penguins, but she liked the multi-colored dots better because they screamed des. I'm glad that she didn't get me the animal beads, because a) there's not much I can do with them, and b) it would just reinforce to the world that I am obsessed with these things.** I do like the dots, as they are much more fun.
So even though I'm a grownup (am I?) I still expect gifts. I think it's terribly selfish of me, but I do reciprocate. After all, motto #5 says that birthdays are truly special days and nobody should have to pay for anything on their bday. So I always make sure to take a friend out to dinner at the very least. Usually I get them a little something too. If I can't find anything that absolutely screams to be had (I do pride myself on my gift-giving skillz) I get them something silly. This is always a good option for anyone, and it explains why I have a magnetic Dress-up Elvis on my refrigerator. If your friend doesn't appreciate silly gifts, then they don't deserve to be your friend anyway.
*When he worked at Sears, he was always sending me Sears gifcerts. Until I told him to stop because I had absolutely no use for them.
** The people at work are sure I'm a "cat person" because, yes, I own one cat. I would own a dog too if I had room and time for it. But that doesn't register with them. So they're always forwarding me crap that has some computer-altered cat picture saying "I thought you would like this!" and they're always wrong.
Water Balloons
2 days ago
At least they don't send you those 'inspiring' emails with prayers at the end saying, let's see if Satan wins this time telling you to forward it. Because, you know, if you don't forward, you have just proclaimed yourself a best friend of the devil. Everyone and their cousin sends me those. I like to pray but not 8 times a day besides I don't like being guilt tripped into forwarding anything. Can you tell I just got one of those emails today??
Buy the way, I know what you mean about the obsess thing. I've never been 'into' angels but since my name is Angel, everyone always gets me angels....my birthday is next month.
I am against forwards in general.
And I just bought you 10 angel figurines, which will be delivered shortly.
When I first started bringing SOB around my family, he really liked the Simpsons. Who didn't like the Simpsons when they were in high school? We've been together for over a decade, and still every year at Christmas someone gets him a Homer bottle opener or a Krusty Koaster set. They just all end up collecting dust in a box in the closet. Who knows, maybe one day they'll be worth money or something!
I think Craig's parents' house is full of closeted Simpson stuff too, like Bart shampoo.
Maybe I will find you something that screams "Des" in Italian. Fortunately, I think that Des is the same in Italian and English...
Well, it's actually French.
My mom still sends birthday cards with a $20...and I still love this. I get excited like a preschooler, 'cause it's MY $20 to blow on whatever useless crap I wanna!
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