After leaving Chicago, I went on to CA for the wedding. The wedding was on Saturday, so on Thursday, me, the bride, another bridesmaid, and an "honorary" bridesmaid went to Versailles Spa and Salon. The bride was taken away immediately because she was having lots of things done (legs waxed, hair done, nails) whereas us 3 bridesmaids were just having our nails done.
We were ushered into the "retreat" room, a curtained-off room where we were served sparkling apple cider and there was a stereo to listen to soothing music while we gabbed excitedly. Every few minutes someone would stop by to ask if there was anything we needed, and soon, we were pretty much ordered to go eat the food that was prepared for us. It was nothing terribly fancy, just a plate of vegetables and dip, yummy yummy strawberries, and cookies. But we ate it good.
At one point the bride stopped back in, and we all ooed and awwwed about her newly waxed legs. Then she disappeared again. But, now it was our turn. I was led away to my manicure, the other bridesmaid was led into the pedicure room, and the honorary bridesmaid flitted back and forth between us. Teresa did my nails, and she was very good. Even though I have long nail beds in my fingers, sometimes my nails are short and nubby (as they were this day). So, Teresa put some white tips on them, following my specifications to make them "long, but still functional." It was a very involved process, and since I'd never gotten my nails done professionally before, I had no idea what half of the things were. It was basically smoothing, fitting, gluing, smoothing again, gelling, brushing, smoothing. Then at the end, I put my hands into a tiny UV toaster oven that made me laugh. But, it got my nails dry. I still have long pretty nails.
When I was done, we bridesmaids all switched around and it was my turn for the pedicure. This is the best part. I was led into a psuedo-secret resort room full of big comfy chairs and pillows. Amanda prepared a tub of warm water and moisturizer for me to soak my feet in while I sipped more cider. Periodically I would take one foot out and she would softly towel-dry it, put more foot softeners on, and then put it back in the tub. We talked about how a lot of pedicure places get you in and out and don't spend time concentrating on you, making you feel all soft and luxurious. (Like I would know about other places!) I was told that I have "good feet." After lots of varied treatments, my feet were softity soft soft and my nails were painted. Then I had to have them painted again because my "red" didn't match the other girls'. Amanda was eating her lunch, and I apologized for interrupting her, but she said "it's just pizza, it'll still be there" and then I got matching nails.
I loved Spa Day. I liked being pampered. I like the way I was all soft and pretty afterwards. However, I can never go to a regular nail salon now. I want to be served apple cider in wine glasses and trays of snacks. I want a 45-minute pedicure by someone who is totally nice and really good at what she does. So, Versailles Spa spoiled me. Even better, the bride's mom is the one that paid for all of us. Now that's spoiled.
3 days ago
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