Here is a list of all of the blogs whose writes I met at BlogHer (that gave me their cards or some token to remember them). Look for an updated Linky List at some point when I have time.
AND go to Suebob's photos on Flickr to add some visual.
a mommy story
anderson at large
a stitch in time
average jane
beauty and fashion tech
by jane
carrisa blog
cheeky attitude
craft leftovers
crafty chica
Denise from BlogHer
diary of a crazed mommy
every day I write the book
her bad mother
hola, isabel!
I, asshole
kari's couch
lawyer mama
maman des filles
naughty monkey
ninja poodles
plain jane mom
sanity & the solo mom
strength in our numbers
Cooper and Emily from the motherhood
weird girl
work it, mom!
There were probably more that I can't seem to find right now.
Off By One
20 hours ago
Thanks for the link love! I haven't had a chance to go through all the cards of people I've met yet, but you're all going in my Bloglines feed list!
ha ha! Now you have to mention me!
It was great to meet you, too! You and the gals at Parentopia have been doing some major BlogHer linking!
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