Most of my last day of work was taken up by boredom. Because I had numerous copies of the Metro which feature Suzanne's article on how Bush is not Hitler, I completed the crossword* and did my very first su doku. The su doku was easy and unimpressive. Towards the end of the day, I got plenty of handshakes, hugs, good lucks, all the bests, and general well-wishes. R even apologized for "getting off on the wrong foot" with me. One person hugged me and wouldn't let me go. Then she hugged me again. And several more times. I think she cried. I didn't cry, though. In fact, I had a big beaming smile all the way out the building and on the train home. I even broke out a couple times in laughter.
Particularly when I heard the following songs:
Let's Go
Since You're Gone**
Eye of the Tiger, the most triumphant song ever.
I did break into song once (Jack Off Jill's cover of Love Song). Let them think I'm crazy. I'm elated, dammit.
And it feels so good.
*OK, so there are 3 clues left - 1 across and 2 down. But dammit, I was close, and I didn't cheat.
** Even though my ipod is on constant shuffle it has a mind of it's own, as evidenced by the 3 (three!) Cars' songs I heard on my way home. (The other one was You Might Think.)
ps - don't go forget to vote on the fireworks thingy down at the bottom on the right over there.
Off By One
1 day ago
Yay! Congratulations on getting out of that place. Bigger and better things lie ahead.
(And thanks for getting copies of Metro for me.)
okay, so now i have to go find eye of the tiger on youtube. so catchy and, yes, triumphant.
suz, I hope you don't mind that one of the papers is not pristine. I wrote in pencil, but it doesn't affect your column.
mdog, that really is the best song ever. I even dished out the 99 cents to buy it from itunes, for times just like yesterday.
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