Today was a beautiful, gorgeous day. A fabulous, shmantabulous day. It was made all the better by my continual thoughts of "this is the penultimate time I'll be doing this"* as yes, dear friends, the day has finally arrived. Tomorrow is my last day of work.
A coworker said "see, it's not so bad now that you're leaving, right?" You mean it's not so bad to sit here and read, or do my nails, or chat with my replacement who is awesome and fun**, while knowing that I don't have to ever put up with your idiocy and incompetence again? No, it's not so bad.
Another coworker has been badly hinting that she is going to do something "funny" to me on my last day, such as rearrange my desk or move my desk into the hallway. Those would both be hilarious because 1) it's not my desk anymore and someone still uses it to do work, and 2) my desk is bolted to the wall, lego-style, just like everyone else's. So we'll see if something happens which I can frown at and say "see, this is why I'm leaving."
One more day of work.... then sweet sweet freedom. Next day off to Chicago, then off to CA for the wedding and what I can honestly say will be the best bachelorette party ever. I can say that because who better to know it than moi, the gal who's arranging for a limo to take the bride and her closest friends around San Francisco for various yummy food, karaoke, and 80's dance clubs.
So stay tuned for more excitement (?) from the wonderful world of des.
* OK, ok, I didn't think the word penultimate. I thought second-to-last. But I've really been on a kick lately about that word, and its younger sister antepenultimate. So I typed it, and in giving this explanation found an excuse to type it some more.
** We're so close that we are even friends on myspace now - the ultimate bond. Yeah that's right, we're like this.
ps - I put another blog-appearance-related poll down there. Go judge me.
Off By One
2 days ago
Yay! Have fun!
Oh, I plan to!
Congratulations! I love the fireworks by the way.
I kinda like em too...
love the fireworks
Ooooh, fireworks! Pretty!
Also, that whole doing something to you on your last day, yeah. So they do realize you could simply survey their little game and walk out, right?
congrats on your last day!
Have fun on all of your super cool trips and such! So envious of you going to Blogher. Some day... some day.
Nothing feels better than your next to last day. Except your last day. Awesome and even more awesome that you are jetsetting all over !
ahhh, i remember that feeling. basically the whole week i said 'what are you gonna do? fire me?' and the hr guy literally got down on his knees and wrapped his arms around my legs & told me not to go. that's appropriate.
congratulations! have fun on your trips!
th deed is done.
Thank you, thank you.
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