So since my last post I have played Receptionist. It was only for 2 & 1/2 hours, but it was the longest, mind numbing worst time ever.
I made it very clear that I was not having fun. I made a point to do as little work as possible. This was surprisingly easy, because even though R's computer was magically turned into mine via remote access so I could work (the other fake receptionists didn't even get that), there were still 10,000 things I couldn't do unless I was at my desk with all my files and my radio and my printer.
I played solitaire at one point, not bothering to hide it when people walked by. Nobody asked me about it.
However, I did answer the phone quickly and politely, which is something R has never done.
After work a coworker and I were in the bathroom at the same time. This is the only person in the office that I might consider keeping in contact with when I leave, so I talk to her. Here was our convo:
Her: Did you have fun today? (mockingly)
me: No. I hated it and I'm not doing it again. I have too much work to do for me to be the receptionist as well.
her: Exactly! I wasn't hired as a fucking receptionist, and I made the mistake once of showing them that I know how a phone works.
me: Why don't any of the guys do it?
her: Oh don't get me started! There are a few guys here that spend all day on the phone because they're customer service, but they can't answer the front desk!
me: I'm not even customer service and they made me do it!
her: Well the two ladies that used to be in accounting before you came along used to loved to answer the phone, so President assumes you do too.
me: Well they don't work here anymore. And I won't soon either if they keep this crap up.
her: You know what they need to do? Hire a new fucking receptionist because she's a fucking nightmare!
me: Lord, don't I know it.
So it's clear that I am not the only one that hates R, or the sexism, or having to do other people's jobs even though that's not what they're paid for. I left work with a splitting headache (which is exactly why I have Vivaldi's 4 Seasons on my ipod) and I didn't go to the gym. Now I'm going to eat some mac & cheese and curl up and watch The Simpsons until Craig comes home, drunk on having completed his 2nd year of law school (and beer).
But tomorrow, if they ask* me to cover for R again, I will tell them what I have told all of you. What are they gonna do, fire me? Gee, that's good business sense. And I wouldn't even care, because I'd have a lawsuit. Plus I wouldn't have to go to work anymore, and that would be the best. I stand by my principles, dammit.
*Incidentally, they didn't "ask" me today either. They ordered it.
3 days ago
Well, I'm sure it's nice to know that you're not alone. Who knows who else might share your list too? And I almost hope they try to make you do it again tomorrow, because I'm dying to read about the scene that follows when you tell them "NO."
Incidentally, my five-year-old daughter was sitting with me as your page loaded just now and she said, "OOOOOH!!! Mommy! That's SO PRETTY!!!!" She then announced that your site is her "FAVORITE INTERNET THING EVER!!!" Haha. Apparently you have more admirers than you realized...
You know I'll keep you informed!
I was admiring the picture you have of little Fluffy and you can tell her that I think SHE'S the prettiest thing ever. (All your kids are so darn cute!)
Btw, who the hell is Craig?
And another thing, I'm sure that when Brill's daughter said that it was more like, "favorite internet thing EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!"
Hey, I think we should start a round of nominating people for the "Blinkers Thogger" Award.
Oh Teri, you're new.
Craig is my live-in boyfriend of 10 years. He is a law student and the reason I live in NYC.
Yeah, well I'm a little too old to be new. ;)
Wait, how old are you?
I will be 26 on the 14th of June.
I know, I'm a wee little baby.
You've lived together since you were sixteen? How old is this Craig dude?
I can't believe I just called him "this Craig dude."
Please do forgive. I have a migraine.
Let me put it a different way. We have been together for 10 years. We have lived together for some of those years. He is 26.
I'm not going to explain further because I never explain Craig in my blogs. He's always just been there for you to figure out.
If you do end up walking out in a blaze of indignant glory, you'll be in good company. I've quit crappy jobs with far less prodding. Usually preceded by, "You know what, you can kiss my ass..." or something equally unprofessional. This is why I no longer work in the customer service field and why I am returning to college at the tender age of 36.
I've never gotten the chance to do it, though I've threatened with my cronies. The one job I would have done it actually ended up injuring me, so I just never came back.
The sexism? Bugs me to NO END. I'm sure there are plenty of men in your office who have no work to do, but obviously can't be bothered to answer phones. Oh no.
I feel you, though. Hope it's better today!
Well R is here today, so that means I won't have to cover, but there won't be a "me quitting" scene, but I have to deal with R.
I just can't win.
Why is R still there? Why has she not been fired? I can't imagine anyone would wnat someone so incompetent/annoying working for their company.
I have no idea, but I have absolutely no respect for the company any more.
I hope you're having a good day!
You bring so much fun and cheer to everyone else, that I want you to have some back!
Thanks Teri! That was sweet.
That is so incredibly sexist! Keep us posted on what happens today.
Not having any fun and doing as little work as possible. I think you described my typical day at work.
Sugar kane, I think I describes a lot of people's days. Isn't that sad?
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