I was tagged by Brillig to list 10 interesting things about myself. But I was tagged 4 times. So I have to think of 40 interesting things. I don't know how interesting some of these are, but I had to think of a lot of stuff.
And here they are, in no order other than how I thought of them:
1. I've broken so many bones I can't even count them anymore: Right arm 3 times, ankle, toe, hand, etc, plus a concussion and several sprains, a surgery, and on and on.
2. I once had strep throat & bronchitis at the same time. Worst xmas ever.
3. I wanted to be a cheerleader in 5th grade, but I didn't make the team. I was an "alternate."
4. I've never been to a funeral. The closest I've been was a memorial mass, which was basically just regular church with a picture of my grandpa.
5. I read a book as I sat in the audience during my college graduation ceremony. I have a literature degree, what more do you want?
6. I've never won a game of Monopoly. Partly because I don't have the patience and partly because I'm not that good.
7. My brother and sister and I are all 8 years apart. I'm in the middle, so my sister and brother are 16 years apart.
8. I've never met an animal I didn't get along with. Even jerk animals like me. It's a super power.
9. I was vice president of my 5th grade class, just because at the last second I wanted to be involved, and it was a popularity contest.
10. During my elementary and junior high years, I won multiple spelling bees and geography bees. Uber nerd.
11. I haven't been to Disneyland since I was 7.
12. I was President of the Drama Club in high school. I was an actual Drama Queen. I was in all sorts of plays, and even did lights on 2 of them.
13. If I was a drag queen, I would totally be a Cher.
14. I've been dying my hair non-stop since I was 13. The first thing I ever did was put a black stripe in the front of my blond hair in 8th grade.
15. My mom has 2 tattoos, both of which she got after the age of 30. Now you know where I get it from.
16. I'm a purple belt in Kempo Karate, though I haven't practiced since I moved to NY.
17. When I was 14, my friend and I got caught stealing candy bars from a grocery store. I gave them a fake name and address, and was banned from the store from life. That's fine because it closed down a few months later.
18. I don't do well with crowds and loud places. This is why I hate going to bars unless they are extremely low-key.
19. I'm an awesome driver. I've never gotten any tickets or been in an accident (while I was driving), though I've certainly had the chance.
20. My very first "real" concert was Radiohead and Soul Asylum playing at Fresno State when I was 14.
21. I pet a real tiger at the Mendoza Zoo in Argentina. It's my fave photo, but it's not in NY with me.
22. At the Wildlife Safari in Oregon I had a ring-tailed lemur sit on my head and wrap his tail around my face. I don't know if there is a picture of that.
23. I met Alex Trebec and he grabbed my head and told me he loved my hair. He's a total weirdo.
24. I've spent so long in the revenge business, I don't know what to do now. And yes, I have considered pirating.
25. I like putting things in order. Books, DVDs, files at work, anything. And the order generally would make sense to others if they would just pay attention (alphabetical, chronological, numerical, etc.)
26. My eyes change color. People have seen them actually change and they freaked out a little.
27. I have 4 tattoos: a faerie on my leg, roses 'round my wrist, a bat at the base of my neck, and a penguin on my shoulder. When I have lots of money to spare, I will get a 5th, a jasmine plant on my other shoulder.
28. I had to have my gallbladder removed because it broke. It didn't burst - it just shut down completely because as a vegan I didn't eat enough fat and GB problems run in my family.
29. I rarely get sick. In the almost 2 years I've worked in my current job, I've missed only one day, and that was from a migraine that lasted 2 days. (And that's not to say I have perfect attendance - I do go on vacation a lot.) But it's a good selling point to prospective employers.
30. I'm almost done thinking of interesting things.
31. I've raised $1085 for the AIDS Walk this year. (There's still time to donate, just click on the link!)
32. I'm allergic to very specific things: a pesticide used on carrots in CA, hot peppers but only if they touch my lips, and a ponytail palm plant if the leaves touch me.
33. I delight in knowing useless facts. That's why I'm so good at trivia games.
34. One time some friends and I were talking to a bum outside of a grocery store. His name was Popeye and he was a war vet and he was extremely racist, as evidenced by his yelling at passersby. This led to me just getting up and walking away, which caused the bum to yell at me that I had "nigger blood." I kept walking, instead of punching him (or letting someone else punch him).
35. I bought myself my first new car when I was 22. It was a 2003 mini cooper named Scootey, custom made for me. I loved that car.
36. I rock at learning languages. I speak English (duh) and Spanish, and taught myself Russian in high school (which I have since lost) and began learning Mandarin Chinese in college. I currently have an opportunity to learn Hindi, which I'm going to jump at.
37. I get bored easily - I need ways to fill my time. This is why during college I worked a full time job, I write blogs while I'm at work, and I bead or read while at home. I tend to go a little crazy unless I have something to do.
38. I have Audrey Hepburn's autograph that I bought for like $90.
39. I don't like driving, simply because I don't trust other drivers. Blame my commutes on highway 80 in CA for that.
40. I eat macaroni & cheese every single day for lunch at work, and I don't get sick of it.
There. Done. I didn't read through them again, so forgive any repetitions or nonsenses. If there are any questions, I'm happy to expand.
3 days ago
This post wasn't here yesterday, but the one above it was... Weird! Anyway, this was a blast to read. And you and I have some really odd things in common--languages, literature, useless trivia, hair dying, and while I wasn't the president of the drama club, I was the Vice President. And I've even been to the Mendoza Zoo, but I CERTAINLY didn't get to pet a tiger... I'm more than a little jealous of that...
I'm glad you went for all forty! I could NEVER come up with forty "interesting" things about myself! Well done!
That's weird. Stupid blogger. I fix.
We do have a lot in common! We are both awesome.
verra interesting list - I like languages too and have had a go at Spanish, French, Japanese and Indonesian.
I did get quite good at Indonesian (I lived there for 2 years and then studied it at University)but can barely remember any of it now...quite sad, really.
I'd love to learn Mandarin, though. Arte you learning the writing as well?
I was learning all of Mandarin - the characters, the "English" spelling, and pronunciation. But the teacher was a retarded bitch so I had to drop the class. I still have a book/cd set though to learn if I ever feel like learning it by myself, which is hard.
What a great list, Des!
I too, am something of a polyglot. I am semi-fluent in German, and I can can get around in Spanish, and Japanese. I can give greetings and ask for simole things in Dutch and Afrikaans.
24. "My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father. Prepare to die!"
You rock!
GF, I was waiting for someone to notice #24!
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