I officiated my leaving date at work.
It came about for 2 reasons. The other day I was dropping something off in President's office when he said "I heard a rumor that you'll be leaving us to go back to school soon." Yeah a "rumor" that has been going around since I started, almost 2 years ago. That was one of the conditions of my hire - that they knew I would be going back to school. So since he brought it up, I indulged. "It's true, I'll be leaving at the end of July, but I'm not sure exactly when yet." (Liar!) He said no problem, we'll start looking for your replacement around the beginning of June.
So that was a relief. I didn't have to talk to New Boss, who doesn't want me to leave because I know more than her and she can (try to) pawn her work off onto me. No awkward resignation conversation. Very casual and no-pressure.
The second thing that spurred it, besides the fast approach of June, was New Boss herself. She is always asking me to do her job, playing dumb (I don't know how to do this, can you do it for me?). Well she asks me to do everything from payroll to tell her who everyone in the shop is. I've never done payroll, so I'm honest when I tell her that and I have no idea how to do any of it. As for the shop people, I recognize all their names but can't necessarily match names to faces. Maybe if I was the boss, I could do it. But I'm not the boss. She's the boss. She needs to learn to do her job. Seriously, she asks me to do everything. Even if it is something I can do, I tell her I can't. There's absolutely no way I can do her job and still do my own - sorta like when they have me cover for R, but with a lot more responsibility.
It hit me today that New Boss was never properly trained. That's not really her fault - she was completely new to the company when she was hired as New Boss, and Old Boss clearly did a half-assed job of training her. I think he told her to ask me if she had any questions. And if I knew how to do all that stuff, we wouldn't need her, now would we? So I am going to give the company as much notice as possible so that hopefully my replacement will be trained correctly.
I fibbed a little when President asked me if I'd already gotten into school. If for some reason I see one of them after I quit and they ask me about school, I'll just tell them I decided to hold off on going because it wasn't financially feasible. This is true, except for the "getting into the program" part. It would be useless to tell them that I hate them and that's why I'm really leaving.
So I sent President an email giving my last day as July 25. I let him know I will be in Chicago the next day (for BlogHer). I do kinda feel like sending an email was a chickenpoop way of doing it, but it's not like I was giving him a formal resignation. I was just confirming the date.
Of course, if something else comes up before then (fingers crossed) I have no qualms about leaving earlier.
Chemical Formulas
1 day ago
Yay for quitting shitty jobs! It's kind of nice that it wasn't an anxiety fest like quitting can often be. And this gives you plenty of time to find something much, much better to do. Congrats!
I thought it would be a big weight off, but I guess when President asked me about it, the weight was gone.
Good for you! Now if only I can grow a set and follow your lead!!
That must have felt great. You know, President seems like a halfway decent individual. I don't get how on earth he lets that shit with R go on.
Anyway, mazel tov on your first steps to liberation.
Whenever I ran into someone like New Boss the thought, "How is it that you get paid more than I do?" would always run through my brain. Then one day it sort of slipped out...the person I said it to thought I was kidding thus proving my point. Idiot!
sk - it wasn't really growing a set, it was just a necessary step to save my sanity.
suze- President is completely detached from the rest of the office. He sits in his office all day and doesn't have to deal with R. But I've never had a problem.
VR - my thoughts exactly. I don't get paid nearly enough to do everyone else's job. I don't understand why they get paid so much.
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