Saturday, May 26, 2007

career opportunities

Since recently I've come into a position to be introduced to lots of professional types (i.e. Craig's law-talking coworkers) I often get asked the question "And what do you do, des?" My response varies depending on who I'm talking to, but it's generally some sort of "I work for a printing company." Not "I'm in printing" because since I am in the accounting department I have absolutely nothing to do with the actual printing. My job would be exactly the same no matter what industry I worked in.

This morning I was expressing my lament regarding this issue of my boring job description while I finished up the necklace I've been working on for far too long. I decided that I'm going to start lying - nay, embellishing - a bit. "I'm in publishing" (fingers crossed for an interview) became "I'm a writer" which somehow evolved into "I'm an astronaut. I'm currently on leave, but when I return I'll be making the first manned trip to Mars."

Now this isn't an outright lie. Besides the fact that I'm not an astronaut, I mean. I do know enough about science and the space program to bluff my way through a small-talk convo with someone I'm not likely to see again. And you haven't heard of a manned program to Mars because NASA is keeping it under wraps. I'm not really authorized to talk about it. If I happen to meet the same person twice and for some reason they ask me the same question twice, then call me on my different answer, I will explain that I had a career change. People do that all the time. Now get outta my face. I'm an astronaut.


Serena Woodward said...

That's okay,sometimes I'm the Pulitzer prize winning author of fifteen novels. Other days I'm "the award winning author whose new play is the talk of Broadway." Once I was "doing research for a major Sociological study about why people are so nosey."

I haven't been an astronaut yet, let me know how that works out.

super des said...

I like the sociology one.

Brillig said...

I think it's a perfect plan. Maybe you're making jewelry for the martians! And after you tell people that, you can say, "oops! I wasn't supposed to say that much!" And then swear them to secrecy, of course.

Oooooh, you should change your screen name to "Super Astronaut Des." Even if just for a couple of days...

super des said...

ha ha ha!
super astronaut des...

Alex Elliot said...

I decided that the next time I'm with a bunch of competitive parents, I am going to say that YS's first word was "oceanographer".

Jbeeky said...

I think you mean astroNUT.

jessabean said...

Um, as long as you don't make cross country trips wearing diapers and hoping to kidnap your lover's other girlfriend, you're a cool astronaut in my book.

Good luck with that. ;)

jessabean said...

P.S. I like your jewelry and those turtle earrings are way cute. I may have to order soon (if I can afford it after the veterinary nightmare, that is!).

super des said...

AE - That's very impressive. I can't even say that.

jbeeky - wocka wocka wocka

JB - Oh... you heard about that? And kitties are much more important than turtle earrings. But I do like those. If I wore earrings like that, I would wear those ones.

Suzanne said...

Pardone moi, but I do think it is accurate to say you are a writer, my dear.

super des said...

And what have I written that anyone (except you) has read?

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