One of those things I forgot to mention during the fam's visit was our trip to the Statue of Liberty. None of us had ever been, so we didn't realize the security was so tight. It's worse than going to an airport, though I haven't flown since this whole "liquid" fiasco; before you get on the boat to Liberty Island or Ellis Island (same boat), you walk through a metal detector, get personally scanned, and send your belongings through an xray. However, you do get to keep your shoes.
My purse goes through. Lights go off. A guard calls for a supervisor. I ask if there's a problem. I get a dirty look, but no answer. Meanwhile, the rest of my party has been ushered to an exit. I try to think of what horrible thing could be in my purse. I took out all the guns and explosives before I left the house... oh crap. Busted.
Nail scissors.

How could I be so stupid as to let them foil my evil nail scissors plot?
After much debate between the supervisor and the guard, there is still not a word to me - the potential terrorist. Supervisor walks away, possibly to deter another threat of beauty-induced terrorism. Guard looks at me, expecting. I want him to know how stupid the world is, so I say "You know, I couldn't kill anybody with these even if I wanted to."
"Don't even joke about that."
I wasn't joking, and I know it's not necessarily true (I could kill someone with the scissors if I wanted to), but I want my damn nail scissors back.
"And another thing - why would I wait until I got to the Statue of Liberty to kill someone? I would just do it here!"
Now my family has re-entered the building and is dragging me away to safety. After all, my being arrested for Conspiracy To Commit Terrorism is not part of their plan, and would probably put quite a damper on their visit.
At some point during my rant, Guard must have understood my "logic" and returned the nail scissors to me. This is actually a relief because I do use them often, and it would be annoying to have to go buy more. Little did Guard know, with my newly restored tiny scissors, I began my plot to slowly chip away at the Statue's base until it comes tumbling down! Moo ha ha ha!
I cannot believe that you said that! Ha ha ha. Oh man, I am glad that you were not dragged down to Guantanamo...
Right, in hindsight I probably should have kept my mouth shut. But I'm probably on a watch list now.
Yes, you are on the watch list. And, I'll tell you what, little missy, if you and your freedom-hating co-conspiritators have so much as thought of touching lady liberty in an inappropriate manner, I'm gonna get Dick to shoot you in the face.
And that's a promise.
(I suppose you could scrape away a bit at that whole "Give my your tired, poor" tripe, er, poem though.
God knows I have.
aw, crap!
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