Ok, so I didn't lock myself in a closet like Tom Cruise in that South Park episode (thanks Youtube!), but I did lock myself in a hallway. At work.
Picture this:
It's Friday, 4:45 pm. You are totally super psyched because you hate work and love weekends. So you are doing your normal end of the day things, passing out folders full of papers that other people need to sign. 2 of these people are in the shop, not in the office where you are. So you meander down the hallway. The door is closed. That's ok, it's closed sometimes. As you open it, you have a fleeting thought that it might be locked from the other side. But that little nagging voice is not nearly loud enough for you to do anything about.
So it closes behind you. There is a large metal door in front of you. That's not usually there. There's a large metal door behind you. That's not usually there either. You can't open these large metal doors. You turn to the door you just came through. It is not made of metal, but you know by that sinking feeling in your heart that you can't open it nonetheless. You try, because you're a trooper. Locked. Well, you'd better go into the lunch room to call the receptionist to come save you. Oh wait... that's behind one of those large metal doors.
You take a final look around. In front of you, a locked door. Behind you, blank wall. To either side of you, large metal doors that technically don't have a way of being opened because they are just slabs of metal.
The only thing to do is knock, and hope someone hears your feeble taps and comes to investigate by opening the door. A few minutes pass, and you hear voices on the other side. The door is opened, and you are greeted by two laughing coworkers. Your face is a little red, but you're otherwise cool as a cucumber.
Apparantly you are not the first person to make this mistake. Nor will you be the last. You are sure, however, that you will never do it again. There are some people that have done it 3 and 4 times. One of the requisites for insanity is that you don't learn from your mistakes. You are not insane enough to spend the weekend in the hallway. But you are insane enough to run home so you can tell the world about it.
Off By One
23 hours ago
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