hThis weekend I started my volunteership at the animal shelter. I am working with dogs right now, until the new shelter opens up. That will be an actual shelter and have cats there. The place I am at right now is a tiny space donated by the doggie spa. There are only 2-3 dogs there at a time, and of course no cats.
The 3 dogs there this weekend were the same ones that were there when I did my "interview." I was happy to hear that one of them had already been adopted and would be going home very soon. It was a very easy day - I thought I was supposed to be there for 2 hours, but they really only needed me for one. 2 of the doggies were a little sick, so it useless to walk them. Easier just to let them pee on the tile and we could clean it up right then. And the other dog had gone out right before I came in, so he didn't need a walk either.
So I spent my hour reading and petting 2 sleeping dogs. The other girl that was there sat with the non-sick dog, and I was with the sickies. I did have to clean up one little puddle, but that's why they are well stocked with cleaning supplies.
During this time, I got a chance to people watch, or rather, dog watch. There was an endless stream of the spa-dogs paraded through 3 at a time to go on walks. They were all incredibly ill-behaved. I came to the realization that to New Yorkers (at least the type that leave their dogs in spas) dogs are not companions, lifelong friends, comforts. They are accessories. These people need designer dogs to match their designer bags and designer sunglasses. I'm not just talking about the little dogs either. Every single spa dog was a purebred, impeccably groomed. There was only one exception - a dalmation/dane mix. Sure, it's not a pure breed, but it is still bred specifically for the look. It is still a designer dog.
Every single one of these designer dogs was jumping on the walker and on the other dogs. They were barking and yipping. They were running around and getting the leashes tangled. I observed this all from my little glass room with my well behaved mutts. My mutts slept most of the time because of the heat, but when they were awake they were calm. They would play, but they never barked, never lay a paw on me, and listened to what I said. I observed this and felt bitter. Why are these people paying thousands of dollars on designer dogs that have had the good training bred right out of them, while these two sweet dogs were abandoned as puppies (they are brother & sister)? Either one would make a great addition to a family, for a fraction of the price of the designer dogs.
I couldn't believe these peole. They spend a large chunk of money on a fashionable dog, only to drop it off for the day (every day) without a care in the world. It doesn't matter if the dog makes life hell for the workers or the other dogs. The important thing is that there is a name attached to the dog, which proves how good the owners are because they spend a lot of money. I have a feeling that these people do the same with their children.
To illustrate (literally) here are the dogs I was sitting with: Leon and Lundy.
Off By One
1 day ago
Do they really drop off the dogs every day? That is another whole facet of designer dogs that I had not yet come to know, and it makes me want to step on them all the more. Also, their owners. Unfortunately, the worst ones, the ones in snugglies (you've seen this, I trust?) are too high up to stomp, so you might have to kick the owners a little or throw things at them first. Or just like get them dirty and see them collapse before your eyes.
some of the dogs are too big to stomp on. try stomping on that dalmation/dane mix.
I am proud of you!
well it did take a lot of work...
Let me say it's not the dogs fault they behave like assholes. It's the owners that have made them unruly. If these dogs were given to the right owners they would be fine in a month.
As for NYC dog owners..On the upper westside at least, you couldn't find better, kinder, more responsible owners anywhere else in the country. Rarely do you see people you want to mash for their idiocy. They're out there of course but not as easy to find...
oh and these two puppies...I could eat them. they are the cutest loves.
I know it's the owner's fault. But since they are the type of person to make sure to buy a purebred dog, then leave it at the doggie spa, of course the dogs are teerrible. And these are villagers, near union square.
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