Ok, certain people have been demanding I write a blog devoted soley to my new orange hair. I posted the picture, but that wasn't enough. They want to know how it feels to have orange hair, not just how it looks.
I did mention something about it here in yesterday's blog. But that blog wasn't about hair. It was about a show.
I got the idea for orange hair when my friend came to visit me in April from CA. She had had red hair, and bleached it so it came out this really awesome shade of bright orange. Purely by accident. At the time, I had pink hair like I normally do. But for the last few months, my mind kept wandering in the orange direction.
Not just in regards to hair, either. Orange has been my new favorite color for everything. I even took one of those stupid quizzes that told me I'm an orange margarita or something. I've been looking at orange clothes with a special eye. I came really close to buying orange nail polish when I bought the dye, but that was too much. I settled with my lovely green instead, and don't regret it for a minute.
Buying the dye was a bit of an ordeal. My pink had started to fade, so I bleached some of it blonde. I got bored of that mix real quick, so I bleached it all for a lovely shade of platinum. If my hair was a little longer I would curl it and call myself Marilyn. But blonde hair is boring. I was working towards my goal.
I went into Ricky's, which is a very good supplier of hair stuff. They had 3 kinds of "colored" dyes. ("Colored" meaning varying from the natural reds, browns, blondes, and blacks.) There was a little cardboard slab with samples of fake hair dyed the color you want them to be. There were several oranges, but only one that I would call Awesome Orange. Electric Lava. Sounds like Awesome orange. I searched and searched through the rows of Manic Panic, and they had every color but the one I wanted. I want orange hair, and I want that color orange, and I want it today!
So I went to go ask the lackeys. Do you have any more in the back? No. Do you know anything about these other brands? Well when our hairstylist runs out of Manic Panic, she might use one of these other ones. Any particular one over the other? No she just might use one if she runs out of Manic Panic. Thank you, you've been absolutely no help. You could try another store - there is another Ricky's on 14th street. Really because I could swear that this was the only one in the city, and they are not on every other corner. I was mad at this person for being retarded and I took it out on her. She didn't notice because she was retarded.
I had other stuff to do that day besides dye my hair, which doesn't seem plausible, but it's true. So I had to be blonde for a bit. Next weekend I passed a (different) Ricky's and "remembered" that I still needed orange hair dye. Went in, looked, cried, and found it. Awesome Orange! I wandered over to the nail polish, picked out my lovely green, completed the purchase, and was on my merry way.
The thing about pink hair dye is that it dyes your bathtub temporarily pink, as well as your hair. I've gotten used to this. I clean up what I can, and leave the rest to fate. I assume that the semi-constant downpour of water from the shower, along with the soap,shampoo, and whatnot will take care of the rest. It usually does. I was expecting the same type of agreement with orange. But Lo and Behold, there were no stains to be seen. No mess for des to clean. That was yet another facet of Awesome Orange.
So at last I have Awesome Orange hair. The picture only captures but a smidgen of its Awesomeness. It really does look a lot better in real life, but doesn't everything? Even the Idiot Brigade at work noticed, and they never notice when I change my hair. (Hel-lo! It's a different shade of pink!) I already mentioned how one of the IB argued about how I look like a flamingo. Ok, I'll use the magic of cut & paste:
What color is your hair? Orange. No, it's flamingo! No, it's orange. You look like a flamingo! Flamingos are pink. I know that. (And yes I am aware that some flamingos are more orange than pink, depending on their diet because their pigmentation comes directly from what they eat, but no flamingo is the bright "electric lava" that my hair is.)
But in general, the response has been good. That is acceptable, but I'm not really "in" to what other people think of me*. I like looking at myself in the mirror, which I do fairly often, and being pleased with what I see. Awesome Orange pleases me greatly. I still haven't gotten over the novelty of the month-old tattoos either, so sometimes I look in the mirror at the combo of Awesome Orange and bat and penguin, and this pleases me even greatlier.
I think I will stick with the Awesome orange for a while. I will probably make a bit of variation, with red tips or purple stripes or something, but the base will be as it is. Another note: I noticed more and more people were starting to have pink hair. I couldn't always say "I'll be the one with pink hair" because there may be others. However, I can say "I'll be the one with orange hair." There is nobody else that I have seen with this color hair. (Except Blight at the HITB show, but that was a wig.)
So there is my blog about orange hair. It was kind of long, but I was using my super power of making something out of nothing. Plus, this was a special request. So yes, apparently I do take requests for blogs.
*One of my friend's favorite quotes from me is this:
Random lady - I love your hair!
me - I didn't do it for you.
Planet Definitions
14 hours ago
I know you didn't do it for me, but I think it suits you.
This made me laugh hard:
I had other stuff to do that day besides dye my hair, which doesn't seem plausible, but it's true.
Des this so suits you. I love it. You are more orange than pink and you're right, pink is so last year..
Yeah, the orange is a hit. I likes me some orange hair.
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