Is there a difference between being hyper and being creatively inspired? Not for me. I think I overdid it on the CCEBs today. I hadn't planned on writing anything today, as I felt I should write something worthwile. (Orange hair is plenty worthwile, but I've already written quite a monograph on the subject.) I didn't even know what I was to write about.
Yet here I am, cracked up on goofballs, writing a blog for no reason. I have plenty of work to do, not to mention the whole "catching up on correspondence" thing. But, no, I'm going to write a blog. To show you the level my insanity has reached, I will give an anecdote from this morning:
I'm listening to the XM as I always do, and a Styx song comes on the radio. I think to myself "I really like this song. Not only am I going to listen to it, but I'm going to rock out." It wasn't even Mr. Roboto, the best song ever. It was Renegade, which is actually one of the worst songs ever. I didn't realize my folly until the song was almost over and I clicked on the radio display, as I compulsively do. In an instant I saw what I was listening to, and saw that much better songs were available for my listening pleasure. I snapped out of my dreamlike state and resumed my normal listening habits.
Does that count as an anecdote? defines it thusly:
an·ec·dote ( P ) Pronunciation Key (nk-dt)n.
1. A short account of an interesting or humorous incident.
2. pl. an·ec·dotes or an·ec·do·ta (-dt) Secret or hitherto undivulged particulars of history or biography
I'll assume my Styx story meets these qualifications. Interesting AND humorous. And hitherto secret history.
What kind of void do I fill with my "writing"? I'm not quite sure that my empty drivel serves any purpose for anyone other than myself. The blogs are not infomational, like stock tips or anything. Though I could start doing that. They are real-life experiences, but I don't think my experiences are that extraordinary. Although I do often wake up with the Ducktales Theme in my head. I don't know how it gets there, as I haven't seen that show in more years than I can count. This might be a singular experience, happening only to me; I'm a little worried about it. However, I can fill only one, maybe two - tops - blogs about it. (This one doesn't count towards the two, by the way.)
Yet, I am going to continue to write about these things. If I didn't have a blog, I would write them in a notebook. There, nobody could read them until I was either put away or dead. Of course reading the notebook might lead to my being put away. "Don't worry des, Renegade can't hurt you here." But it is fun to me to share my blabber with the world, anyone who cares to read it, and have them respond to me.
So I'll stop now. Maybe later I will write some Pulitzer Prize - winning material, but probably not. Not today, at least.
Planet Definitions
14 hours ago
1 comment:
I'll never understand why there is so much freaking classic rock on the radio. I grew up with classic rock and I am over it! Time for new music! It hink it is pathetic that I can flip around the whole radio dial and hear only music I have heard before.
But I am too cheapo for the satellite.
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