Yes, it's a post about New Years. No, it's not a roundup of my 2007 nor is it anything about resolutions or reflections or any of that other crap that starts with R. No offense to the people who posted those, but I just don't care.
Ok, awkward, moving on....
I got lei'd on New Year's Eve. And now I realize that that joke does not work as well written. Say it aloud. Get it? I got laid on New Year's Eve! Ha ha ha anyway...
Since the kind and gentle masters at work gave me 3 days off in a row for New Year's, I decided to weigh my credit card debt against my happiness and fly to MI. For less than 24 hours' notice, the ticket really wasn't that expensive. And I landed just at the start of a big snowstorm, apparently. But that's not important.
.... laziness kicking in...
OK, I lied. This blog is only incidentally about NYE. It's really about karaoke.
That's right, I went to a karaoke bar to ring in the new year. Sing in the new year. This should surprise absolutely none of you.
Anyway, walking into the bar, my Jay and I both got lei'd. Plastic flower strands like in Fake Hawai'i around our necks. Mine was pink and his was white. I also got a tiara, and he got a top hat. Damn we rocked.
Also, we looked a little bit evil, apparently.
Besides the free and fancy accoutrements, the bar excelled all expectations by having a big fat book of karaoke songs, including anything I might have thought about wanting to sing. Eventually I settled on "Stray Cat Strut," and Jay chose ACDC's "Big Balls." (yes, it was that kind of party.) We put our names in and waited, passing the time by calling out a magician on his tricks. Then the karaoke switched to dance music (not for singing) for the countdown. We had our kiss, interrupted by some guy who wanted to wish us a happy new year, and continued to wait for our singing chances.
After the dance music stopped, the DJ was like "time for karaoke again! Up next is des!" and I was totally super psyched to be the first karaoke singer of 2008. But then the DJ decided he wanted that honor. SO he sang some crappy song that was so awful, I've already forgotten what it was. Then I got to go do my Strut. I make a very seductive kitten, btw, but the crowd could care less. They blew their wad of excitement and enthusiasm before midnight, and so not a single person in that smoky bar was watching me or listening to me belt it out. I was a little offended, I admit.
Then Jay got up to rock the house, and damn that boy puts on a show. Again, not a single face turned towards him. This I took even more offense at, because I know the crowd woulda been eating that up before midnight. But no. We were gypped. So we trashed our further song selections and went home to a crazy party me falling asleep on the couch watching the Futurama movie.
So yeah, happy New Year and whatever.
Off By One
18 hours ago
The important thing is that you had fun. Who cares if some douche bags at a bar watch you and Jay when you sing? They would not have appreciated it anyway. Most people are morons. I'm sorry I missed it.
Yeah, we all know I would have still sung if there was not a soul in the bar.
I would have cheered for you. And you look so cute in that photo! Happy New Year...
Thanks Jess!
looks like you had fun!
Me too! I would have paid attention. Glad someone got lei'd.....yeah, you're right, it just doesn't work written down. damn.
Tough crowd!
That's it! All my friends have to come do karaoke with me. We'll have the best time ever, I promise.
Now, wait a minute Des. I have a hard time believing that Jay didn't watch you when you were singing :)
OK, Jay did watch. In fact, he took a picture, but since I am mid-sing, it's not a flattering picture.
I watched him too.
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