Monday, January 07, 2008

add one more to the list of des crazy

Anyone who knows me in real life has probably noticed that I don't like walking on things that I could potentially fall through. This includes things like sidewalk grates, basement trap doors, and even bridges (especially those that I can see the water through the bottom of). I still walk on them because sometimes you can't avoid it, but I always feel like I'm going to drop my sunglasses or something and lose them forever.

It's not a phobia because it doesn't disrupt my life, but it is an irrational fear. A psuedo-irrational fear. Let me explain my rationale for it. Pardon me while I get all new-agey for a minute.

I think in a past life I must have dropped my child down something like this. I used to think I was the one who fell and died, but that doesn't explain why I'm so scared of dropping things. Apparently I was carrying something very valuable and the ground opened up and I dropped it into the abyss. I guess if I was really in to it, I could go get hypnotized or something to find out the details, but what's the point? It will only depress me.

I'll just have to live with my neurosis. The weird thing is, I really do like being on bridges, and I love being up high, so I know I don't have a fear of falling. But I'm always clutching my accessories a little tighter when I'm there.

Anyone care to psychoanalyze me?


flutter said...

yes, I have the same phobia. It means you're crazy.

super des said...

well we already knew that, right?
I still like my explanation better though.

Arlene said...

Perhaps it is a premonition Des. A warning to hold on tight to that hundred million dollar winning lottery ticket waiting for you in the future.

super des said...

ah, Arlene, wise as always.
I can just picture the ticket fluttering away in the breeze....

Suzanne said...

Flutter: ha ha ha ha. Perfect conclusion.

I personally think you fear dropping something on a sea urchin, as the item would be extremely painful to retrieve.

super des said...

my friend from HI told me you're supposed to pee on your sea urchin injury. Did you do that?

Count Mockula said...

I have the same fear. I sometimes even roll up the windows of the car while driving over bridges lest something fly out the window.

mar said...

every single day i walk to work, when i go across the bridge over the river, i am loathe to pull out my cell phone on the chance that i fumble it & it plummets to the churning waters below. irrational? yes.

super des said...

well I feel slightly less irrational now that I know you all do it.

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