My cat has it pretty sweet. A nice warm house, food and water whenever he wants it, multiple places and people to cuddle on, and so on.
But lately he's turned against all this, due to some communist propaganda spread by a neighboring cat. It seems one of the downstairs cats has been going to his front door and meowing through the crack out into the hallway. Since all 3 apartments in the building have the exact same layout, Mecrutio can then go to our front door and receive these messages as they waft up the stairwell. He then answers back.
Not that I want to stifle Mecru's communication with his friends (after all, the vet did say he needed to get a little friend), but it's the answering back that is driving me bananas. All day and all night, meerrrroooow merrow mrow in some sort of kitty code that I am sure is poisoning his mind against us. At first he used to run away and pretend he wasn't doing anything, but now he doesn't even try to hide it. He's like, yeah I know all about you "people" and I'm not gonna take it anymore!
I'd like to think that it has something to do with the influx of tiny cat pukes we occasionally find on the floor, or maybe the lack of cuddling with me at night. Someday I'll find this other cat, and give him a stern lecture on corrupting young naive Mecru.
3 days ago
Definitely a catspiracy that needs to be squashed.
ha ha ha. good one.
Did your cat say "Mao" or "meow?" Ha ha ha ha....
Bam! Another zinger!
Wow! Not only do your Mecru and my Benny look alike, they also have the same medical problems. I went back and read your post from October about the visit to the vet. Benny has a minor heart murmur and had to get an ultrasound two years ago. The ultrasound and heartworm pills ringing in at roughly $300 were my 31st birthday present from my parents. This past May, I had his teeth cleaned which the vet had been bugging me about for a while. They had to extract a tooth so the bill for that wonderful experience was $450. Everything went fine both times. I should find the photos of Benny's little shaved chest from the ultrasound. Benny is a tub weighing in at around 16 pounds. We'll see the exact weight next week as it is rabies shot time. I'm pretty sure that is not what Benny wanted for Christmas.
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