Yeah I know I'm late. But my real Halloween adventures weren't until the day after... so.
First a picture of the Devil in a Blue Dress and her junkie boyfriend.
I want to point out that my new tattoo matches the design on my dress. Nobody is more coordinated than me!
I also want to point out that while doing C's makeup, I actually got a little sick from the track marks on his arm and the fake blood. I know I'm squeemish, but damn, that's a good job to make the makeup artist sick. On the way to the party, C kept getting double takes. We live near a hospital and passed a few people in scrubs who looked seriously concerned. But I assure you, it's every bit a costume. I guess it's a compliment that it was so realistic?
As for me, you know I just wanted an excuse to wear that dress, which I still love. And since I had coated my devil horns in glitter (because glitter makes everything better) they ended up matching my dress as well.
I'm sure there's more I can write about the party, but fah. The important thing here is the picture.
2 days ago
Great costumes! Almost makes me wish I'd dressed up this year.
You are a sexy wench! And C. doesn't even look that bad...he's far too healthy looking to be a real junky.
Suebob: from C, "just barely"
And Jane, I only dressed cuz I had somewhere to go :)
THAT is a seriously hot devil!
You guys are HAWT
Thanks guys :)
Did you win any prizes? I looooove that dress.
There were no contests to win, but I think I automatically get "best dress(ed)."
Devil in a Blue Dress is hilarious and creative. Excellent!
You can thank the Junkie for that one.
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