Thursday, November 29, 2007

dark day for Mecru

Cats are creatures of habit. You know this is if you have ever been around a cat for any length of time. This said, it did not take Mecrutio long to acclimate himself to the myriad of windows in this apartment, especially the ones in my parlor which get almost full sun every day. He knows right where to lay so that the sun hits him at full capacity, warming his (apparently) freezing little cat body.

But now with the onset of "winter" there are a lot less days that include full sun. Yet Mecru is still in the same spot every day, waiting for the sun. Today I snapped a picture of him looking forlorn. Forlorn!
You can see the sunless window. You can see the lack of sun on the floor. That little yellow and black thing directly below the cat is his toy (the ring from a milk jug and a twist tie) which he had brought over with him to console himself. This shows that he knew there would be no sun, so even though he checked anyway, he had other plans for the day. Those other plans, btw, included pathetic and small "merows" that translated roughly into "can you please make the sun come out?" Interestingly, the cat knows I do not have this power, but he is still convinced C might, as he is the one that gets pestered with illogical requests.

It's tough to be a cat.


Anonymous said...

How sad! It's like Feline Seasonal Affective Disorder.

super des said...

how sad

Suzanne Reisman said...

That picture is hilarious. Also, his level of planning and cleverness exceeds that of a large number of humans. I like your cat.

super des said...

Yeah he's pretty awesome.
I'm sorry he makes your eyes watery and puffy.

LittlePea said...

Poor kitty. I love cats for and the funny little habits they have. My dog does the same thing. We recently had to move a desk that blocks one of his own sun spots. I see him sniffing the desk now and then and looking at me with indignation.

LittlePea said...

I meant 'for the' not 'for and the'...forgive me, my coffee ritual came late today.

mar said...

awww, poor kitty.

flutter said...

God, he is cute

Alex Elliot said...

What a cute cat! We should all be so optimistic.

SUEB0B said...

He is so cool and smart.

When I had a tabby, he would go, every single day, over a 6 foot fence to fetch a single camellia bud, which would be his beloved playtoy for that day. He would chase it all around the linoleum for hours.

super des said...

see? cats like routine.
That's funnny :)

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