The dinner party was one of those types of parties. A grownup party. Smooth jazz was on the radio as we met up. We talked about grownup things like jobs and presidential campaigns*. We had a little wine with our fancy dinner. We all agreed dinner was tasty and during the course of the meal we had gone through 3 bottles of wine between the 5 of us.
Then it started to devolve. The first step was our hosts having us sample a vanilla liquer that had been recently procured from Mexico. Too sweet, but we used cordial glasses to taste it. Very grownup. Somewhere along the line, early 90s hip hop was playing and we finished off a bottle of vodka (coupla shots each) that our hosts wanted to be rid of. Then a bottle of tequila appeared, and it was the only kind of tequila that des will even consider drinking (Patron). But after 2 (two?) shots of that, des left the dining room because she had reached her limit. Actually, she had gone past her limit, as had everyone.
Now normally at this stage, the conversation further devolves, into more childish topics. What were we doing? I somehow ended up with a pocket-sized copy of the US Constitution (you mean your friends don't each have one? You clearly do not hang out with lawyers.) and was reading aloud as the others shouted out their fave amendments. "Read the 13th! Now the 22nd!" and sometimes would recite along with me, from memory. Frankly, I'm amazed that I could even read at that point, but I guess that's my sad superpower.
Even though I was ... not as healthy as I could have been the next day, I still chuckled over the fact that my friends are the biggest nerds ever. And have re-affirmed my self-promise to not drink that much. I wouldn't want to be caught reading the onstitution in public. I just have no self control. Alcohol makes one do crazy things.
*Ok, I admit, I wasn't really participating. But I was there listening.
Water Balloons
1 day ago
Usually it all goes downhill when the Tequila comes out. ( I happen to hate it but the vodka always does me in.) At least your friends are smart. Don't you hate being drunk and surrounded by idiots to boot? So for that, you can say the party was a success.
I definitely wouldn't have been at the party at all if my friends weren't smart.
I love the tag lines; nerd, Saturday, sick. Says it all, huh?
ha ha ha, sadly that's all I write about apparently.
I wish I could remember Sat. Wait... corn maze, take out Indian food, baseball, then NyQuil and 13 hours of sleep. Yup. You had a hotter evening than I did, Constitution girl.
Hey, it wasn't *my* idea to read it...
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