Tomorrow C is having one last summer hurrah before school starts again - his final year of law school. Good for him. He's going camping with his friend upstate somewhere, and even though I have nothing else to do, I'm not invited. I hate that.
I love camping. When I lived in CA, I used to go camping a few times every year. But I (we) haven't gone since we moved. To be fair, we did camp out several times on the trip out here, but once we moved in and the camping stuff was stored away, it hasn't been moved from it's special hiding spot.
So it really dusts my muffin that I'm not invited to go on this stupid camping trip. I can't even get revenge by going on my own camping trip because none of my friends (that I know of) even like camping. Let alone the fact that I have no way of getting somewhere that a train doesn't go.
If anyone needs me, I'll be here, at home, doing nothing. By myself. Boo.
2 days ago
Hey come to the super scary psychiatric facility art gallery in Queens with me. That will kick the ass of camping. C will be so jealous.
It would definitely be a new experience.
I hate camping. Hate it. And I'm constantly being invited. Wanna trade?
But I do know what it's like to be left behind in general, and it sucks. Hope you find something fun to do tonight!
Well tonight we're going to sign our lease on our new apartment. Tomorrow is when he leaves.
Alone? What a wonderful time to begin packing. Congrats on the new place- sounds fantastic!
Ha! I wish I was that on top of things! Really though, I don't have any boxes yet.
I've never been camping and I have zero desire to start now so I can't say I feel sorry for you. I do feel sorry for you in that you're not invited. I think you should have an all boys and one girl(you being the one girl of course) party and not invite C.
The main thing is: I've been bugging him for months to go camping but he was always "too busy." Suddenly his friend wants to go and he's on his way.
It could have been anything, but the fact that it was something I wanted is what drives me bonkers.
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