I was all set to be a member of the Swimsuit Brigade, rallying to show that airbrushed swimsuit models resemble nothing even close to real women, but alas and alack, my swimsuit is too small. I guess I should have seen that coming when I didn't wear it for several years. But besides looking like I was trying to relive the glory days of my early twenties, it was sooooooooooo uncomfortable. Now it is sitting in a bag of clothes to be donated when we move.
But that shouldn't stop you from participating. Take a picture of yourself wearing a swimsuit with all your glorious feminine curves. Tag it with the words "swimsuit brigade." Be a role model for real women everywhere.
2 days ago
i still plan to do this, but i'm currently suffering from a touch of food poisoning this weekend. even less of a reason to climb into my suit, which, btw, my newest one is 7 years old.
I got a new one two weeks ago (which I used for the pic), but the one I used at the beach was from 1999. Where does time go?
Anyway, it is the thought that counts.
Aw, mar food poisoning sucks. I'm sorry.
And I did think about it. It's just that Craig made a pretty horrific face when he saw how the straps dug into my shoulders and I slowly turned purple as my circulation was cut off.
Um, yeah. No.
Me in a bathing suit is the fourth horseman of the apocalypse. I love you all too much to cause the second coming.
I keep considering it. I figure I get a free pass for bloat since I'm 10 weeks pregnant.
Wear your bump with pride.
It's not so much a bump as a... big fatty fats-a-lot spare tire at the moment. I can't wait for an actual bump!
What a good idea. The only picture I would post has my sister in it in her bikini too so I have to get her permission. She's hot... so I'm sure she'll say yes :o)
Post it, Pea! (You can always block out her face!)
I've got to find a picture. So are you going to get a new suit?
I don't know if I'll get one. I never use it. I still am looking for a dream vacation in the Bahamas or something, for which I'll have to get one. If that ever happens.
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