Thursday, July 05, 2007


I should really post this on my cat's myspace page, but let's not be crazy.

Craig & I are sitting in the living room. The cat's favorite box has long been in the bedroom. We hear the rustling of paper (he's a cat - of course there is paper in his favorite box!) and a small "mew."
More rustling and another small "mew."

Craig: "I think the cat crapped in his box."
me: "No he didn't. We wouldn't crap in his favorite box." but I got up to check anyway.

Mecru had made himself a pillow out of the paper and was using it to rest his head as he looked longingly into the living room. I can read his mind, so I knew that the cat was conflicted because he wanted to be in his box, but he also wanted to be hanging out with us.

So I picked up the box with the giant cat inside and brought it to the corner of the living room.

No more mewing, no more rustling, just content stares from a puddle of a cat.

I wish my life was so tough that my biggest source of uncomfort was wanting my favorite place moved and then having someone actually do it.


Anonymous said...

That's it. I'm calling the SPCA. You're done for, you feline-abusing mean girl.

Now, go kiss that kitty's furry butt some more!

super des said...

Ew I don't want to kiss a cat butt.

SUEB0B said...

He is a fine, big boy.

jessabean said...

The things we do...I'd do the same thing!

I'm the type to arrange my legs in such a way that the kitty has plenty of room and is comfortable when we go to sleep. Sick.

Brillig said...

That's it. I want to be a cat. All this having to do stuff for myself (and everyone else) has gotten old...

Mitch McDad said...

That's actually pretty cute. I no longer hate cats. :)

Working Girl said...

I think your cat might be my second cousin...

super des said...

wg, are you a cat? Because that would make your blog more nonsensical.

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