Day 3 of sitting at home. Yesterday I ate pizza all day. All Day. Then I decided a trip to TJ's was in order. Of course, on the way there, the subway doors slammed on my hurt shoulder. I think I actually yelled "FUCK!" before sitting down and crying a little bit. So the grocery store was not fun because of the tiny tears that were constantly threating to surface, and the pain so great I wanted to throw up.
Plus I have a new (?) bruise on my foot that is really gross and hurts a lot. I guess it came from all the blood draining from my injured leg, but now walking is less exciting than it was a coupla days ago. As it is now, I am definitely going to go back to the doctor next week.
I've been making some jewelry, and I really could think of some things I need to leave the house for. I need to go to the post office and mail a new necklace to someone because it is too heavy for just stamps. I need to drop off my RX for the BC pills I got before I went on vacay. I need to go to the bank to deposit some checks I got for my bday (thanks fam and friends!). The checks don't quite cover my tattoo costs, but they certainly help. Damn expensive tattoo. And it doesn't help that I missed 2 days of work last week that were unpaid, and who knows how many sick days I have left to use this week. I know I have some, as I've only called in sick once during my 2 years there (when I had a big fat migraine and couldn't see) and hopefully New Boss is smart enough to realize that injury --> doctor's visit --> missing work = sick time. But we'll see. Point is, I don't have enough dough for my new tattoo yet. Not that getting it now would be wise.
I also need to go out and buy some interview clothes. That's right. I may have something lined up for next month. I've probably already jinxed it, but I'm not going to say any more. But it's a good reason to buy new clothes.
BUT my ankle hurts. My shoulder hurts. And it appears to be raining. This doesn't make me wanna go outside. I'm bored of jewelry, even though I'm not done with what I'm working on AND I got lots of new beads recently. I'm bored with movies. I'm bored with video games. I've just reached that depressive funk where I just want to sit and be sorry for myself while someone takes care of me. Unfortunately, Craig is at work most of the day (he doesn't get home til like 7!) and Mecru alternates between sleeping under the bed and sleeping in a random box. He's no help.
So that's it. You can tell I've got a touch of the crazies already.
Off By One
20 hours ago
Sounds like a real suck-fest. Here, dick around on the internet. Read all my friend Rob's pranks and science club adventures. Entertaining for a while.
Wow! I'm just now catching up on your last three posts--I had no idea how serious your crash had really been! How awful! I'm so sorry. I can only imagine how stir-crazy you are feeling. I was put on bedrest for two weeks during my last pregnancy and I thought I would DIE. I hope you find something to keep the little grey cells working before you go completely batty!
I'm debating if I should get a tattoo or not.
Hang in there, Des... all will be well!
sorry you're not healing with super-speed.
Sorry to hear that this is getting worse, not better, right now. I hope that things turn around soon. I have cool birthday presents for you, so maybe that will help cheer you up?
Oh man! I haven't been here in two days and I just read about your tetanus shot! Ouch! I got one last year and I was sore for a week. I feel sorry for you....I can't believe they didn't give you any good drugs for the pain.
-I'm thinking about getting another tattoo. I have a little one I got ten years ago.
Oh Also! Good luck with the job thing:o)
Pea, you're the only one that acknowledged the job thingy.
Sweetie, I am so sorry. I can't wait until your fabulousness is up and at 'em.
I acknowledged it in an email! (Pout.) Everyone missed you tonight.
I get so used to no pain from doing nothing that when I do get up and do something, that pain is (for some reason) completely unexpected.
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