Thanks to Suzanne and her post about the time she asked her mom where babies come from (and yes, she used those words), my writer's block has temporarily disappeared.
I'm going to tell you about getting my period the first time.
I'd seen all the videos in sex ed. One was hosted by the woman who was once the little girl who played Little Orphan Annie in that movie.... "Annie." She introduced herself Troy McClure-style by saying "You might remember me as the girl who played Little Orphan Annie." I laughed and laughed even then as I thought, "well at least she's getting work, but this?!?"
I even knew a coupla girls in 6th grade that had started already. All of us other girls were always surrounding them, assaulting them with questions and I'm sure, embarrassing them even more for being "early bloomers."
When it came around time in 7th grade that I thought mine should start soon, I was getting anxious. At any sign of wetness (real or imagined) I would run to the bathroom, a little hopeful, but also a little relieved that it was nothing. My worst fear was to start at school, without any clue as to what to do, bleeding all over the place so everyone could see. I was sure it would ruin my life - not from the embarrassment, but because I'd of course have to go home and "fix it" and I would miss classes. For some reason I loved 7th grade, and didn't think of carrying a pad or something with me. I also didn't want a "Carrie" moment, though I would love to use my powers of mental thinking to heap revenge on John Travolta.
But I digress.
I was hoping and praying and wishing and determining that I not start my period at school. Well one night, my wish came true. In the shower. The best possible place for a thing like that to happen. I was giddy as I put the pad on my clean (!) underwear and went downstairs to inform my mom that I now had to be included in all feminine hygiene purchases.
Mom was watching tv, and didn't look up until I said "So. I'm a woman now." She jumped up and said "What do you mean!" I think she thought I was having sex at 13 years old, though to this day she denies reacting like that. I had to spell it out for her, and then she took me to the hall closet where the feminine products were kept. She showed me how to take the tape off the pad and stick it to my underwear, as I had already done a few minutes before, when I got out of the shower. I told her I was an old pro. What about tampons? We didn't have any. I guess my mom didn't like them, and if my sister used them she kept them in her own room.
So I went on my merry way, feeling like I had an exciting secret. I think it took one month for me to realize I hated getting my period and didn't want to be stuck with it for the next 40 years or so. I don't think I was getting sick yet. That would have been too much for this fragile 13 year old to handle. Later, when I was in high school and college, I did start getting sick when I menstruated, so that made me hate it even more. Enter Depo-Provera shots. Besides having to withstand a shot every 3 months (which was actually quite ok after the first time because Carmen, the Nurse Practitioner for Dr. K was awe-diddly-dawsome), I no longer got my period. Sweet. I stopped buying tampons (as I had clearly moved on from pads at this point) and had a great time. I felt like I was in a Summer's Eve commercial, frolicking on the beach.
Of course, I had to stop taking the shot for many reasons. But that's more detail than you will want to know, mostly because it's fairly recent and I don't feel like divulging that info quite yet.
But sharing the beginnings of my journey into womanhood? No sweat.
Unit Circle
19 hours ago
That was a darling story. :)
I was a late bloomer too, so I understand your anxiety. Was such a silly thing to fret over, but at the time everything was so intense.
I'm 46 and pre-menopausal, and still hating periods. But I did have a tubal ligation (a tiny bit off-topic) at forty and MAN,there is NOTHING more fun than NEVER having to worry about getting pregnant!
I'm all for the "never having to worry about getting pregnant" thing, but for now I don't want anything permanent because I WILL get pregnant someday. So for now, yay birth control pills!
ah yes. i also hate the period.
you know, i'm not sure i ever even announced it to my mom. i think she just kind of figured it out. yes, we communicate well.
That seems convenient.
Mine just started'd you know?
My mother called my aunt to tell her about it. She's blabbed to me about my nieces' "flowering".
I have always had trouble with cramps, puking, etc., but since I've gotten older it's stopped a smidge. I started at age 12.
At any rate, at least it's a little reminder from God that I'm not pregnant. Yay rah.
That's the only upside I see for it. Unless of course you are trying to get pregnant.
OH MY GOSH!!!! I SAW THE SAME MOVIE WITH ANNIE!!! And I thought the exact same thing, even though I was about 11. "Seriously? This is the best job you could find?"
As for you not getting the shots anymore, there are only a few reasons for such things... But I'm trying not to guess which one... and I'm trying to give you your space and your privacy and not pry it out of you...
Still,you brought it up and you know what a curious bunch of bloggers we all are...
My mom never told me a thing. I'm not even going to go into the trauma that caused. You would think since I had 2 older sisters I would have known EVERYTHING about that by the time I was 12 but nope.
I'm taking those BC pills that you only get a period every 3 months. This is my first round and-it doesn't work. I think I'll switch back to the regular kind after my next appointment. Did the shots make you 'hormonal'? My sister tried it for a while and she cried all the time.
I'm taking the 3 month BC pills!
I stopped the shots because
1) You're not supposed to take it for more than 5 years or so - it depletes your calcium and what not
2) I couldn't find a competent doctor to renew my rx
3) in nY you have to give the shots to yourself (or have a very caring boyfriend). In CA the dr gave them to me.
4) I started getting crazy depressed and crying all the time over stupid things. And not just like *sniff* but full out horrible deep dark depressions.
More than you wanted to know?
You have to give yourself the shots!! Oh, god, no!!! I was on Depo for years, but Injection Nurse Jill did 'em for me. Interesting note -- once I got my shot right before Thanksgiving, and as she patted my band-aid on, she said "There. Now you're all set for your turkey dinner." I'm still shaking my head over it. She knows I wasn't going to get pregnant from turkey, right?
I got mine on the day of 8th grade graduation. I went to the bathroom and peed for the longest time ever, and when I wiped, there it was. But we were going miniature golfing, so I just shoved some TP in my underpants until I got home.
You're so calm about your experience, count.
I was shocked and dismayed when I moved to NY to find out I had to "shoot" myself. I was like I can't do that. And I couldn't.
Damn, I just lost my big comment. How annoying.
Good story! I'll steal your idea and write my saga up at CUSS on Friday, May 4.
well I stole my idea from you.
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