I've just been made aware that if you google search for "super des" than lots of things come up. That doesn't bother me, as most of them are related to me somehow. (There a couple in French, but that's like searching for "of" in English. Those don't bother me either.)
What does bother me is that the number one spot is not me. It's some other blogger using my moniker and giving tax advice. Tax advice? Ew. That's not entertaining. That sucks. And yet this person is bringing me down with them.
I like to think that people are searching for me specifically because they've heard such great things. Maybe people are searching for this "other" super des (oh sorry - they capitalize Super Des. That is wrong wrong wrong!) and coming across me and deciding they like me better. Maybe I've gained a few readers this way (go on, admit it, it's ok). BUT I would hate to think that someone is looking for me, they naturally look at the #1 spot, and it's not me so they give up. Nooooooooo!
Your job as readers is to link to me whenever possible so that I can usurp the usurper and claim my rightful place at #1.
"des left an interesting comment the other day...."
"I had a good weekend, or as des would say, a fun time."
"I was thinking about des because I miss her."
So you see, it's very easy to link to me. Please do so. Or I might have to change my name.
ps - I am not participating in the Blog Exchange, so no fear. Tomorrow, it's all me, baby!
Unit Circle
1 day ago
That's pretty funny.
It's not funny.
Okay, I guess I won't say "that's funny" then. Hahaha.
I know what you mean, though. I have another blog for my family under a childhood nickname of mine--but I had to tweak the spelling because the way I would normally have spelled it was already taken. It too me a while, but eventually I had to check out the site that had my name. Porn. Great. Super. My family is gonna type in my name and end up at a porn site. Sigh.
So, I'll tag you for every single meme that I'm supposed to be filling out. Seriously, there's a list of about 20 memes that I've been tagged for and the taggers are waiting for me to fill them out. And since I'm not really into the Meme thing, it takes me a while to get around to them. But for you, i will. And, as I said, you'll be constantly tagged. That should really boost your ratings. Lucky, lucky you. :D
Alright. I'll do memes. As long as they allow me to give tax advice.
Gad-zorks. Tax advice. I would rather be known for bunion removal.
Never fear... you will become disgustingly rich soon. I have linked your jewelry site to my blog.
You know... you should just e-mail Oprah and get your jewelry to be one of her favorite things....
I am almost not kidding..... you never know...
You don't happen to have Oprah's home address do you? I'll send her something free of charge...
Hey, then I CAN give tax advice!
I gave you linky love on my 3 blogs. And in a comment on Cheerios and Chickens, though I don't know if that will work because she has comments moderated so I couldn't see if my html worked.
I know where you are coming from. I would like to smack the person around who has such a damn lame blog at Red Stapler at blogspot. It is one lame post with no contact info. Grrrr.
I went to that "other" red stapler a coupla times before I learned to put the 23 in. Luckily, everyone knows you are not as lame as that guy.
Oh Ok I'll do it now, I just published so I have to redo it then.
I managed 25 links. Any more would have been pushing it and seemed...well, creepy....
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