I have no beef with Prince. If I got the chance to see him in concert, I would go. I liked his superbowl performance much more than last years's Rolling Stones. However, I am clearly not observant enough, as I missed the phallic, gay, cum-stained display. Oh? So did you? Well according to The Smoking Gun, these are just a few of the things that concerned, good-hearted, straight, asexual Americans wrote to the FCC about after the superbowl.
I couldn't even read more than a few letters because (besides the illegible uses of English) the letters made me so mad. How can people be so stupid? The one that really got my goat was letter #4, written by one of the people I've nominated for the newly created Blasted into Space Award. This person needs to be shot. Out of a cannon. Into the sun.
Way to go, America. Way to reinforce my loathing of people.
God, I hate stupid racist, sexist, homophobic, judgmental bigot people.
Rotary Tool
2 days ago
Oh for the love....
Oh. My. God. Has the world gone INSANE? Checking your kid for HIV because he saw Prince on TV? How about checking me for CRAZY because I read your stupid fucking letter?
I did notice it, and I laughed and laughed. I laughed because the people behind thte SUperbowl show thought he was old and thus "safe" and I liked that he showed them.
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