Wednesday, September 20, 2006

unrepressed childhood memories

I don’t obsess over many things anymore, and I think this is the reason.

I was obsessed with Michael Jackson. (Let me specify: pre-plastic surgery MJ.)

Memories were set off by an interesting series of events today. I heard the Alien Ant Farm version of Michael Jackson’s Smooth Criminal. I’m not a huge fan of AAA, but I do like that song. Because I used to love the MJ version.

I would pretend I was Annie of “Annie, are you ok?” fame. Then I saw Moonwalker and my little girl dreams were shattered when I found out there was already an Annie.

I had a poster of MJ next to my bed, and I don’t even remember where I got it. I would kiss it goodnight. When I fell of my top bunk and broke my arm, MJ was watching. He didn’t even try to save me. Later that day when the ER doctor was giving my mom final instructions for my newly-casted arm, I was spotted practicing my Moonwalk. On seeing this, the doctor laughed and pronounced that I would be fine.

I had one white rhinestone glove, and I wore it. I wore it frequently. I wore it more than I wore my Supergirl cape, and I wore that a lot. I don’t remember where my glove came from either, but someone was obviously brainwashing me to be very pro-MJ. It worked.

Now for the sad part of my story. (Not that the stuff I just mentioned isn’t sad, but this is sad in a different way.) After my parents divorced, I lived with each half-time. This was easy since they still lived in the same small town. One day I was at my dad’s house, and he was out back burning the trash. No big thing, since that’s allowed in my dad’s “rural” neighborhood. I went out to find him because he had a phone call. I dropped the phone when I saw what was on the fire.

Mountains of des toys.

And there, a little way from the pile, was my one white rhinestone glove. It had been mostly charred unrecognizable, but I would know it anywhere. I picked it up and tried to save it, to no avail. The remnants of rhinestone fabric crumbled in my fingers. There was much crying and screaming on my part, and indifference on my dad’s part.

I would have been ok if my cherished childhood toys had been given away, or (preferred) kept in storage. But to have them burned, and happen across the pyre purely by accident. That fire scarred me - invisible burns on my heart. I still hold a grudge against my dad for something he barely remembers doing. It is still my #1 grudge, above even the time my mom let my parakeet Jicabob go free when I was on vacation*.

Now I’ve shared these memories with the world. I’m hoping for some sort of catharsis, but more likely I will be more prone to burst into tears upon hearing Smooth Criminal. Don’t do that to me, world.

*Recently my sister let it slip that my mom may have told me a half truth to spare my feelings. As if letting my pet go is better than telling me it died. Though my sister refused to give the real story, as I was still too close to the event (15+ years later). So I still hold it that my mom let poor Jicabob fly out the door and become a city bird.


Count Mockula said...

Hey, that reminds me of one of my worst childhood memories. For Christmas, my dad gave me a puzzle of a unicorn, and I was diligently working on it on a small table in my room. One day I came home to find my room thrashed in an effort (apparently) to get me to clean it. Asking would have worked, too. Anyway, my table had been overturned and the puzzle was all messed up. I remember thinking that there was nothing else on that table, and in no way did IT need to be cleaned. So why destroy the puzzle? Just to hurt my feelings? I am thirty, and I've never really gotten over it.

Anonymous said...

I, too, had a rhinestone glove, and I would have been devastated had it been carelessly destroyed.

Also, when I was 22, I asked my parents why they never took us to visit our dog Naddy after they took her to the farm.

Also, I know Naddy is a funny name for a dog, but I was 2.

super des said...

cm- That's so wrong. Destroying the puzzle would only make the room messier!

aj- a rhinestone glove buddy! Sorry about Naddy.

Parents can be so cruel without even realizing it.

Bimbo said...

Do you ever daydream about how rewarding it would be to bonfire his stuff? Just because he's not using it or it's passe? I love my mom, but when she's in the old folks home, I'm going to brush her hair really, really hard!

Toastedsuzy said...

lol Kristin.

I loved MJ, but not as much as I loved Nick Rhodes from Duran Duran.

(Actually, I really thought John Taylor was cuter, but I felt bad for Nick Rhodes. He needed love too.)

My parents...they never destroyed my stuff. Just, once, my mom put most of it in a big green bag and left it on the front porch for me. Then she changed the locks on the door.

Then she moved to California.

But she did it in a very nurturing way.


Suzanne said...

I can't believe that you still talk to your dad. I'd be going on with my silent treatment if he burned my crap. You are a kind and generous person!

super des said...

I was really mad for a long time.

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