Sunday, August 27, 2006


Here are some things I've learned this weekend:

1. If you go to a law student's house, don't be surprised when you open the freezer if you find the vodka you were looking for and the US Constitution. 2 copies.

2. People in NYC don't like to adopt big dogs, even if they realize Leon is the sweetest dog they'll ever meet.

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3. People in NYC will also pay $1300 for a designer dog, then realize they don't want it.

4. Puggles are the cutest dogs you will ever see. If you see one up for adoption, get it.

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5. It's a very nice thing if you get a raise, receive your school loan disbursement check, and sell your car all within a few days of each other.

6. Sometimes it's nice to have a day completely off - and you choose to spend it completely alone in your apartment.

7. Drawing things with Microsoft Paint is hard if you're used to drawing by hand.

8. Ice cream is still good when it's not 10000 desgrees outside.

9. If there is a tornado watch in effect in NYC, you might not know about it but 2 sets of parents will. There are no trailers to blow away anyway.

10. 19th century horror stories are way scarier, and therefore better, than 21st century ones.

I hope to get out of my blog funk soon.


SUEB0B said...

I don't even want a dog that is HALF beagle. They are the cutest dogs and the biggest shits on the planet. There was a greyhound rescue at PetSmart today. They are soooo pretty, but I am prejudiced because Goldie is half greyhound.

super des said...

Yeah beagles are hyper. As are most little dogs (I watched a rat terrier do acrobatics for several hours straight.)

It's always the mixes that are best.

Toastedsuzy said...

I want a puggle to come to my house every now and then and let me play with it and say,"ohmygodyouaresocuteandpuggly!"

And then I want it to go home.

I've got two rodents and a pet brick; that's about all the responsibility I can stand.

Oh, yeah, and a fourteen year old kid.

So who's the horror novelist, eh, precious?


super des said...

TS, right now I'm reading a collection of "Gothic Short Stories." It includes works by Poe (of course), Nathanial Hawthorne, Charles Dickens, RL Stephenson, a few anonymouses (anonymice?), and several others. Not bad for a $2 book.

Anonymous said...

wow. NY tornadoes. I thought only Ohio and Oklahoma had those.

super des said...

It didn't actually touch down. I think it was just rainy and hot enough to scare people.

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