So they are taking away my internet at work. I saw a list today titled RESTRICT INTERNET ACCESS and my name was there among about 6 others.
This means I will be writing less blogs, reading less blogs, reading less newspapers, answering less emails, and whatever else I can think of. I will also not be listening to my XM radio, unless I feel like lugging my transmitter to & from home every day (which means plugging it in and blahblahblah).
This also means that my slow descent into madness will be sped up. I will stare vacantly out the window until I rip out my hair and gouge out my eyeballs with it. Then when I get the urge to write something, I will have to scratch it onto my arm with a paperclip. Morbid, I know. But this is what happens when you take away my music - the only thing keeping me sane as it is. If you can even call this sane.
The unrestricted internet use was one of the best things of the job. I was pretty cranky about the removal all day, and I think my boss picked up on it. Unfortunately, I think he took it out on my department-mate, R, because I had one of those conversations while walking to the train that go like this:
R: I could pack up and leave any time!
me: I know!
I could easily go somewhere else that pays me more!
Then what would they do?
They'd be screwed!
Good luck finding a good replacement for me!
I hear ya!
I won't stand for this kind of shit!
Me neither!
... and so on. It didn't matter who she was talking to, as long as they agreed with her. I'm not sure exactly what set her off, but she voiced everything I had been internalizing all day. And she didn't mention the internet specifically, which leads me to believe they're cracking down on other things too, making my life suck more.
My last job we had restricted internet as well; we could "use it" on breaks and lunch. However, that privelage was soon taken away because the "managers" spent more time spying on our internet usage than doing their jobs... but I guess that's part of the reason the company went bankrupt and the FBI came-a-lookin'. But that's another blog (about karma) entirely.
So if this company goes that way, I'll be packing my bags. I just need to find a job to get me through the next year or so. Then I will go back to school, get thems fancy higher up degrees I been hearin' 'bout, and become a teacher. I was thinking that my job now would be my last office monkey job ever, but maybe I'll have to have one more crappy retail job too.
So that's my complaint for the day. Surprisingly, I have better things to do while at home then fume over my retarded job. Of course, I'm sure I'll complain more once I find the details out. Til then, stick with me.
Off By One
1 day ago
Holy shit! Seriously, holy shit.
Boo! They suck...I am sad.
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