So my blog has been reviewed at It's not the best review I've ever gotten, nor it is the worst. Besides, I asked for it.
So you can go read it. It just mostly points out the fact that I never look at my blog except to add new posts. I don't think I will lose readers over it.
Uncanceled Units
8 hours ago
Oooh... interesting. I don't agree with what they have to say about trying to hard (or the pink), but this is an interesting concept. I decided I'd ask them to rip me a new one as well. You are so inspiring!
Yeah, I don't have to try to be callous. And they are going to help me get a better, customized, backdrop. Thoseblogger ones are pretty hideous.
Have fun with it, and let me know when they review you!
Des, I'm not sure I have the nuts to ask for them to rip me a new ass. What do you think? Give pep talk now.
Dear ghandi rules,
You should submit your blog to them because all the cool kids are doing it. It's pretty funny to see what a bunch of psuedo-goth cynics have to say about your work. Plus, you get about 58 extra hits from the lackeys that devote themselves to that site (the readers, not the reviewers).
And if you don't like what they say... firebomb. Anyway, you know who your fans are, and they are not going to be persuaded by a "review" either way.
you're righteous in pep talks.
I saw your review, and I have to say, I don't agree with it but I'd rather deal with those reviewers than the sweet women at IT2M.
Do not go to their site unless you have balls of steel, baby.
Apparantly those 2 sites have a bit of a war. Fromwhat I've read of IT2M, they are too bitchy and nitpicky for even a laugh.
Wow, how awful looking can their site possibly get? At least it doesn't use those awful scroll boxes so prevalent on LiveJournal. I wonder if they're just into the irony of having a blog review site that looks like a video game threw up.
I think the Pac-Man thing is kind of funny.
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