So I'm done with my Internet Vacation. By that, of course I mean that I took a vacation from the internet, not that I sat on the internet imagining I was in Bermuda. And that now I am done doing that.
I had lots of great things to tell you guys, but for some reason it's considered rude to run off and use the internet instead of hanging with your visiting family. It's also rude (though more or less rude, I can't tell) to sit in a corner with your notebook writing furiously. So I think all my good stories have gone the way of the toilet flush.
Here are the re-revelations I had while I was away:
1. I love being gone from work.
This is self explanatory, and you already knew that.
2. I hate coming back to work.
See #1, above.
3. Parents have a wonderfully frustrating way of complicating simple things.
This holds true for anyone's parents, not just your own. Therefore, the evidence presented by this Visit Of The In-Laws is completely logical.
I am pretty tired of hearing these questions, in any order or combination:
a. Is this the right way?
b. Do you have a fever?
c. Do you know how to get home ok?
d. Is it much further? How much further?
e. Isn't there a bus or something we can take? Why do we have to walk so much?
f. What did you say? (Regarding aside comments that would mean nothing except to the person I was saying them to.)
Now I know I sound like an ungrateful brat, but family vacations are like that. I'm sure I will do it to my kids, and they will be so annoyed. But for now, it's still my turn.
Hey anybody: A delightful little mannerism of answering questions or interjecting yourself into conversations when you hadn't heard anything about what was just said is in fact not delightful. Annoying.
p.s. I'm not totally back, but I am back to work and the fam will be gone in 2 days.
Planet Definitions
20 hours ago
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