Craig and I inadvertantly invented a new board game. No, perverts, you don't get to hear about the sexual exploitations of des & Craig. You know I'm not the type to kiss & tell (or anything else & tell, for that matter). There was not even the removal of clothes. Strip Trivial Pursuit is something completely different.
We invented Porno Trivial Pursuit. This is different than TP Porno Edition, because that one would feature questions about actual pornos, which I wouldn't be able to answer. My version involves playing regular TP and selecting the questions that could be interpreted in, shall we say, other ways. You ask the question, and then all players giggle uncontrollably for a few minutes. Other than that, it's exactly like regular TP. Very good for junior high kids, drunken adults, or lame-os that are playing a board game at home on weekend nights. (FYI we fall into that 3rd category.)
It came about with this question:
Which character's porno is marketed with this line: "It's not his nose that grows!" The answer, of course, is Pinocchio. This is an actual question from TP version 2. Introduced in 1984, version 2 came in a little yellow box and you have to supply your own board and pieces. This is cards-only. It's like an expansion pack I guess. I was incredibly surprised that there was a question involving the word "porno" at all, in any version.
Thus begins the giggling spree.
Continued by this question:
What color is Ms. Pac-man's control knob? Red, apparantly. This set us off in another uncontrolled laughing fit. We at least thought it would be yellow. Then again, I don't think I was aware that Ms. pac-man even had a control knob at all. (I'm laughing while I write this, and somehow I typed "control know bat at all" instead of "control knob at all." Is that Fruedian?)
There were more questions of a similar nature, but I don't remember them right now. I was too busy winning the game. But if I had the game here next to me, besides doing even less work than I am now, I could dig up some other goodies.
So you are welcome to join Craig & myself for a night of debauchery. Dirty trivia questions? We got 'em!
Cosmic Distance Calibration
1 day ago
I'm up for losing dirty board games
everyone wins in this game.
I have twister!
GR - shut up.
suzy - That's even more a junior high gane!
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