I went all weekend without writing a blog, and I really hoped that by Monday I would have something interesting for you to read. But writer's block is like a plague that passes via internet. I read other complaints of writer's block, and now I have it myself. Of course writer's block works a little differently for me - I can still write pages and pages, but it's not really anything worth reading. Then why bother? you might ask. Because recording the dribble of my day is better than not recording the dribble of my day. And it worked on you, didn't it? You are reading this.
For that, I apologize. But we'll see where this goes.
p.s. in the middle: good thing I'm not actually working on writing anything in particular, because I'm sure it would never get finished.
The weekend was humdrum. I went to play with the doggies again, and I love them. Leon's adopter backed out, so he is still available, as is Lundy. They were more active this time, so they must be feeling better. I even took them on walks.
Leon tried to pretend he was only a statue of a dog and would not move. I had to pick him up and carry him down the stairs. When we got outside, I tricked him into walking by laying down a line of treats for him to follow. After the 3rd treat, his body realized that he did in fact have to pee, and started doing that without either Leon or myself noticing for a second. Some high school kids walked by and scoffed at the mutt in the orange "adopt me" vest that was peeing in the middle of the sidewalk, but I laughed at them because Leon's small lake made them walk in the middle of the street. Besides, it's a dog. I don't decide where he pees. Leon
Lundy was a lot more willing to walk. She practically ran down the stairs. Not pulling though, because she is a good dog. As soon as I opened the door, we were acosted by a family that fell in love with Lundy. The baby giggled and shrieked in that annoying baby way that is still better than the upset shriek that babies do while Lundy licked her hands and feet and wagged her tail. I warned the mom that Lundy was getting over an illness, so be sure to wash the baby's hands. She did immediately, but did not run away as I thought she would. Instead she asked all sorts of questions about the sweet brown dog with the "adopt me" vest. When I offered to get her a business card, she said no thanks, she's moving to San Francisco in 3 weeks. That sounded like a lie, but she was showing a lot of geniuine interest. I didn't have any business cards anyway, so I also lied. But I did mention the website, which the mom repeated to herself so she could remember. They left, and Lundy peed. Lundy is such a good dog that she waited until the family left to do her business, and she did it on the curb to not annoy teenage passerby. She is my favorite dog, and if it wasn't cruel to keep a big dog in a tiny apartment with a vengeful cat, then Lundy would come home with me. Lundy
After my fun-filled hour (actually it was more than an hour) with the doggies, it was time for grocery shopping. All my life I have wanted a clear bubble umbrella. I have seen them in use, but never for sale. En route to Trader Joe's, there was a guy selling bubble umbrellas. Eight dollars. Pleading look to Craig. Craig pulls out a wad of cash that equals exactly $8. (And yes, when you're poor like me, $8 certainly does constitute a wad.) I began carrying my new white-trimmed bubble umbrella. Umbrella
Even though it wasn't raining, I opened it up to use it. It had that new-pool toy smell, that of fresh, cheap, vinylized plastic.I rested it over my head so that I could see through the bubble part. Sure, I got some weird looks as we passed through Union Square, but as always *I'm* not the crazy guy on the street. I felt like a mix between a 1960's French fashion model and a 1950's space hero from tv. It was a good feeling. And now I will have this feeling every time it rains, or even every time I think about it raining and grab my new umbrella.
So, that was my story of the day. I hope it was as interesting to read as it was to try and write. If not, well, I'm sure I'll write something better in a short time. If still not, then bite me. But don't actually bite me. I've been known to kick. Just a warning.
1 day ago
Dog statue. Hilarious description.
The bubble umbrella is great. If you accept my friend application, next summer it would make a perfect jelly fish costume when we go to the Mermaid Parade if you attach some streamers to it.
That's the best idea ever.
It's a date.
Bubble umbrellas = totally cool. Especially in the summer.
Did you have your white leather go go boots on?
Not leather, VINYL!
Bubble umbrella...had one when I was in 3rd grade lol
well aren't you miss "I'm ahead of the game!"
you should still have one. I know it rains there.
oh yeah, vinyl
see... that's why no one wanted to hang out with me in highschool
These dogs are still the cutest ever...I had a bubble umbrella and I was very groovy chic, so there.
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