So I'm back from my adventures in CA. I'm not at work today. Something about being in a bicycle crash on Saturday. Here's what went down:
We were doing a winery tour via bike. And before you say it, no I didn't crash from too much wine. Going downhill very fast. Sharp turn in road. Little bit of dirt on the pavement. Front tire strikes it just right. Front tire stops, back tire (and back half of the bike) spin around. des flies over the handlebars, breaking her fall with her forehead and her shoulder.* Forehead protected by mandatory helmet, shoulder not so lucky.
I open my eyes and am already in the arms of the guy behind me, whose name is Eric. He asks if I'm ok (but showing genuine concern - not in that "dude you just ate it!" way). I can't breathe at all, so I manage a gurgling throat noise. I continue not being able to breathe, which is starting to frighten me more than a little bit. During this time, I see Craig running back.** He was just ahead of me, and had looked back in time to see me wobble but not fall, so when he heard Eric yell, he knew why. I still can't breathe. They always say to just relax when the wind gets knocked out of you, but when you can't breathe for about a minute, not only does that minute last 10 hours, but it's impossible to relax.
By now the group leader was there (he was just in front of Craig) and the rest of the group is showing up. I'm glad no cars came because the 20+ bikes were causing massive congestion on the tiny road. There was some initial scare upon seeing my blood-red hair showing under my helmet, but once they got the helmet off there was much relief. I repeat: thank God for that helmet. I didn't even break my awesome sunglasses, which was sadly my second concern (once I regained the ability to breathe). I did have a bit of a headache and a red line where the helmet had been smashed into my head, but my head was actually fine. Later that day whilst re-applying makeup, I discovered either one very large or 2 sorta large bruises along my jawline, which must have come from the helmet's buckle.
Once it was established that I was neither dead nor about to die, the group continued on. Craig and I got to ride in the "backup" van, and luckily I had fallen just before the end of the last leg of the tour. The only bike riding I missed out on was from where I was back to where we ate lunch, which took them less time to ride than it did us to drive. Once there, all my other newfound friends that had not been in our group saw me and I had to repeat the story many times. The other group leader, who was in the back of the group, was named Teva and I think I love her a little bit. She brought me some fresh lavender while everyone else was fussing about first aid.
Throughout the day, I kept discovering more battle scars. My arm was completely road-rashed, and my ribcage hurt more than a little bit. Somehow I did something to my shin/ankle and had several nice fat bruises along there. There were cuts on my leg, a giant nasty bruise on my thigh, the chin bruises, and a nasty cut on my finger. Besides the general stiffness and soreness.
By dinner word had spread, and most people were surprised to see me at all. But I was hungry and I didn't want to hang out in the hotel room by myself. The next day was plane-day, and it's not fun to spend 6 hours on a plane with all these maladies. My ribcage did stop hurting, for the most part, so that was a relief. However, the shoulder did not stop hurting and that is why today is a doctor day instead of a workday.
The trip was fun right up until that part where I couldn't breathe. But now I am still in tremendous pain and have very limited motion in my right arm & shoulder.
Here's a before & after:
* I know this only because the guy behind me saw it and was able to describe it in great detail. I have no memory of any of this.
** It's strangely reassuring to see the love of your life throw down his bike and run faster than anything back to you, with the most worried / scared look I've ever seen (which he now denies).
Water Balloons
2 days ago
awww, glad you're okay now. at least it was toward the end of your trip, if it had to happen.
totally something i would do.
I figured that *someone* had to fall on the trip, and I guess it had to be me.
Bummer about the road rash and other assorted stuff.
I'm surprised you're able to type!
I type slowly. I can't use the mouse.
I bike all the time with my hubs and kid, and tell myself that since we are on a trail and not biking that fast I don't need a helmet. I am RUNNING out and getting one today. Seriously. You have scared me straight. Well, not that straight....
At first they gave me a helmet that was far too big. I'm glad that I delayed them to get a helmet that fit.
Yikes, Des!!! Hey, at least you had the presence of mind to blog about it, right? :-) I hope the bruises and wounds heal soon. And yah! Thank goodness you got a helmet that fit!
Yes, thank goodness for the helmet allowing me to continue blogging! *wink*
Wow, that sounds like quite the fall! I laughed a little at your sunglasses being your second concern. After tailgating for a college football game, a friend and I were running (to where? I don't know haha) and I ended up tripping over the concrete. My friends described it as me diving onto the cement sidewalk, but I was really just trying to fall as gently as possible. Ha. Anyways, my FIRST concern was my sunglasses. All I kept asking for were my sunglasses. I was happy to see that they landed in one piece on the grass beside me. :)
Shit, that is one nasty bruise! Glad you're okay. I'm with Brillig, gives you something to blog about, right?? :)
Hi Jessa! Sunglasses are very important. They would have been my first concern, but I had this very rational fear of dying.
jessabean - you should see the bruise on my thigh! But you won't because it's gross. And you know I would have thought of *something* to blog about, right?
You poor thing! So glad you're ok. Lavender is so soothing, I'm not surprised you love Teva. Good thing you had a helmet on!
I love lavender.
Ouch!! Glad you're in one piece.
That sucks. I'm glad that you're okay. It looks like it hurts a lot though. We have BlogHer coming up so no more accidents :)
Jeez babe, glad you're ok! That's very sweet about Craig...
Thanks guys. And I'm done riding bikes for a while.
Glad you are alright, Des.
You are right about the awesome glasses.
glad you're okay...
Ouch. <<--major understatement.
I thought at first someone might have doored you. My mind immediately lumps bike accidents and car doors together.
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