If you have been reading this blog and paying any attention at all, you know that I hate my job and have just started the search for a new one. This means I had to update my resume.
Might I point out that every single one of my references no longer works where I have them listed? One company drove everyone out, including the people who would come in on their days off to make sure that their inventory was correct. That's one reference that is gone. Another company went bankrupt (and possibly to jail) after I left. Even though my reference was not involved, I have no idea where she is now. The last reference was Old Boss, and though I do have his new contact info, I forgot to put it on the resumes I've already sent out.
The other problem with my resume is that I am not all that impressive on paper. I am super duper in real life, but very few people want to bother to meet me in real life after reading about me on paper. I like to blame bad resume writing skills. I don't lie - I don't need to (brag brag) - but seeing the words written out isn't as exciting as seeing me in action. I'm a good worker. A damn good worker. Almost too good. But nobody will ever know this after reading my thoroughly un-impressive resume and not being able to get ahold of any of my references.
I don't do well with these things. I do well with walking into a place and saying, hey, you should hire me. And then they do. Most people even look past the tattoos and dyed hair because I am so awesome*. When I was hired at Longs, my hair was literally a rainbow. The top was bright yellow, the middle was bright orange, and the ends were bright pink. It was awesome. My future boss said "You're hired, but don't do that again." (For the record, I never did that again, but I did go through many other hair colors.) But I worked there for over 5 years.
So I need to go find somewhere uber-fun to work, march in there, and get a job. Does anyone know of anywhere like that?
* I don't bother hiding them because if someone doesn't hire me based on my appearance, not only do they have a lawsuit on their hands, but I wouldn't want to work in a place like that anyway.
Chemical Formulas
2 days ago
i've had similar problems. when i left the last job to work in the hospital, the phone company (nameless-but bankrupt) was downsizing like crazy. plus, there was drama with my former supervisor, who was also a friend/musician/adulterer/wife batterer. really good reference, eh? otherwise i'd been in school for the last 6 years since hs, so i had my ta experience, but didn't want to reference my professors. yeesh!
I think some of my problem is also that my potential NY employers don't want to call CA. Well sorry, but that's where I lived and worked for 24 years!
Send me your resume. I'll rev it up. Husband and I are very good at resume snazzing. Somehow I thought i already offered this, but I guess I only did in my mind...
And don't put your references on your resume. They should be on a separate page, and only provided when requested.
I'll send it to you.
aside from my awesome supervisor, who i hope will be my Reference For Life, i had worked with crazy dimwit management at my last job. sorta narrows the references. hopefully when i get out of here i will not have completely snapped, and will be on good terms with current boss. who is a little crazy, but not a dimwit, at least.
You can always put them down not as a character reference but as verification that you were indeed employed there...
I was going to offer to help snazz up the ole resume, but I see you already have someone for that...and she has the added bonus of being,well in the same city. *grins*
I hate job hunting. I hate the whole job interview process. I have a whole scene in the play I'm working on that talks about it. "Just once I would love to be able to answer these questions out loud the way I'm answering them in my mind."
Good luck! Try not to go crazy...
Looking for a job is one of my least fave things, so you KNOW a job has to bite it bad when I leave it.
Ya just made me want to make a rez zoo may myself --- it's nice to know I'm not the only one out there struggling w/ the challenge. Good luck!
Don't come to Washington, DC Des... this is a great city, but it is the most not-fun place to work (unless you have my job, which is fun, despite the fact that I loathe the agency that I work for).
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