I've narrowed my job requirements down to one thing, to help me in my search.
I don't want to have to repeat myself, only to be continually ignored.
I don't want to have to tell people 10 million times where things go, or how to do something, or that Hawaii's state abbreviation is not HA, or that Houston does not contain the letter A, or which bills need to be paid on time so they don't shut off the electricity in the building, or not to throw paper towels in the toilet (apparently).
Not only should I not have to repeat myself on these things, the people should be able to figure them out on their own.
That's all I want in a job. I could be shoveling sewage as long as this requirement is met. That's it. I've had enough already.
Water Damage
1 day ago
Sounds like it should be easy to find a place to work that meets those requirements but hate to break it to you, idiots are all over. They spawn and spread out and there's just nothing we can do about it.
I was just catching up and GOOD LORD-
R has some serious mental problems, I'm sure I don't need to tell you that but I thought I should just put it out there.
I know it'll be tough to find, that's why it's now my #1 requirement.
And I don't need to add that I don't want anyone else like R at my new job.
yes. i have decided i can live with doing pretty much anything, as long as i work under, and with, people that make sense.
That is key.
"or that Houston does not contain the letter A" HAHAHA. Oh my gosh, I'd die. I'd absolutely die. That's so stinking funny, and awful all at the same time. Your poor thing. I hope you find your "dream job" and I even hope that it has nothing to do with sewage...
The guy that insists on sending things to "Houstan" is the President of the company too...
In this case, I take back the teaching suggestion. School would only be three hours a day if it weren't for all the repeating.
That is a purrrrrrfectly reasonable requirement.
Unfortunately, it is one that cannot be met here on planet earth.
One day, I asked my boyfriend if he wanted some coke and he said, "yes." I said, "Do you want me to just put it in your water glass or do you want a new glass?" He said, "The water glass is fine." And then added, "But pour the water out first." I turned and said, "I can tell you're used to working with a bunch of idiots." He laughed and said, "yup!"
Luckily I think I've been able to keep the idiot-talk out of my personal life, but that's because all my friends (blog AND real life) are smarter than all my coworkers combined!
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