I thought I could hold til tomorrow, but nope. I need to vent, or someone (and we all know who) will die.
New Boss and Office Manager have basically told me to be a tattle; anything R does wrong, give to them. Which I have no problem doing. There are "meetings" going on about the "problem," as told to me in secret by New Boss.
Gee, what can R do that infuriates me? How about EVERYTHING!
A little background:
We have 3 shopping-cart-type things to wheel the jobs around for billing. We have 3 carts: one for 1st draft billing, 1 for final draft, and 1 extra.
Tough to follow isn't it?
Today R comes looking for a cart. I have 2, one of 1st draft and 1 of final draft, like I should. She wants me to combine them so she can have a cart.
No, because they are different things and combining them would not make life easier. Where is the extra cart?
It's full of filing.
Then do the filing.
Then don't do this stuff until you have a cart.
No, they don't want me to have anything on my desk. (Is that because it gets lost?)
Then you should have kept the cart you had until you were done with it.
They don't want me to do that either.
Well don't put them over here because there's nowhere for them, and I can't do anything until there is a free cart.
She ignores me and begins piling them onto a cabinet where they absolutely do not go, because if they fall behind the cabinet they are lost forever. She ignores me again when I tell her this. I go complain to New Boss, who has heard the entire conversation. New Boss has the same conversation. R continues putting these things where they will get lost, but now she rubber bands every 2 together. They are still small enough to fall behind, only now 2 will get lost instead of one. Super.
She finally gets an empty cart and brings it over. "Do you have type 1?" she asks me.
What are you talking about?
I'm looking for these. (She lifts up and "shows me" the stuff she had left here earlier that I had told her not to leave.)
Well I haven't touched them, so whatever you put there is still there.
JESUS CHRIST! (She slams everything in the cart and storms off.)
Of course, New Boss heard all of this too because she sits right next to me.
I can't take much more of R, and New Boss knows this. I may be quitting my job earlier than expected....or going to jail for murder.
Unit Circle
2 days ago
must... not kill... coworker
yes, but then what would entertain me at work?
i have a similar coworker, who everyone complains about, shows up 5 minutes late, always leaves 5 minutes early, constantly is away from her desk (the doctors go in looking for her to get charts on their patients & then are expected to paw through all of yesterday/today/tomorrows to find theirs. or else she's bitching on the phone or chatting up someone in the doorway of her room. i once timed her talking to one of the nurses assistants for 22 minutes.
I WISH she was that easy!
Holy Crap. Just reading this makes me want to poke my eyes out.
Oops, the pain should be inflicted on her, not on yourself. I like you, Brillig, whereas I hate R.
I couldn't do it, Des. I would give her the finger.
Put that knife down! At least New Boss is aware of everything. It doesn't sound like she'll be there much longer.
AE - I DO give her the finger... she just isn't observant enough to see it.
Pea - Good lord I hope so.
And things like that are why I don't work outside of the home any longer. Good luck with that. I sympathize. I really do. Hopefully, New Boss isn't a total putz.
My dream is to work from the home (I can write! I can bead!) so I don't have to deal with these people anymore.
It is a dream. It's like a daydream. When I first started doing it, I felt guilty. Now I just feel, well..happy. I firmly believe that there are some of us who are not meant for "regular" jobs.
Wow, I really need to do that. It's all I want. I'm clearly not an office or retail person, and apparently I'm not going to be a professor either.
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