Friday, March 02, 2007

Sick day

It all started about 8pm on Wednesday. We had just finished watching an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 that we had netflixed because it’s the best show ever. My head started to hurt. I complained and took some ibuprofen. It didn’t help, and my headache quickly progressed into a migraine. It was centered directly over my left eye, and it felt exactly like it would have if someone had been chisling away at my skull. There was laundry on the bed so I lay on the couch with the lights off and my hands over my eyes for a while. Then I actually made the move to bed, neglecting my housewifely duties.

The next morning I got up and began to get ready for work as usual. The only difference was that my left eye was just a bright light – I couldn’t actually see anything. I took some more drugs and thought I'd stick it out. I got as far as putting my makeup on before giving up. i couldn't see, I couldn't move, I couldn't think. There was no way I could handle a crowded subway, annoying work people, fluorescent lights, and staring at a computer screen all day.

I emailed my boss that I was taking my first sick day ever (not counting the time my plane was late coming back from CA over xmas) and changed back into my pajamas and crawled back into bed. Mecru came over, purring, and snuggled up with me while I slept for 3 more hours. I woke up when Craig was leaving for school. He urged me to eat while my headache was slightly less, so I had some cereal and lay on the couch. I lay on the couch for the duration of 3 movies, getting up only a couple times to eat bland soup and a tiny orange.

The movies I chose were good ones; Zoolander, Office Space, and The Princess Bride. Funny movies that I know by heart so I didn't have to think about them and it was ok to nap. Amazingly, the cat was not a pest. He spent the entire day curled next to me on the couch. It was probably because he was cold (it was only 70 degrees inside!), but I'm going to assume that it's because he knew I was sick and he loves me.

At some point Craig came home and made dinner. My headache was no longer a migraine, and it was going in waves of heaviness. By the end of the night, it was manageable and ibuprofen was actually helping. I really wanted to stay home again, but I figured I should go in if I could. So here I am. Still with a headache, provoked by construction noises, phones ringing, bright lights, and the like. I might still go home early, depending on how the day goes. I don't think I'm going to the gym tonight, even though I lugged my bag through the wind and rain.

The moral of the story is: Migraines suck.


Jbeeky said...

I am sorry about the Migrane but more importantly, MST 3000 freaking rocks! I truly believe that the second coming may involve Joel and only MST 3000'ers will be able to rise into that big theater in the sky.

super des said...

Joel is so superior to Mike.

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