First, a quick note. I've not been very blog-active lately because I am training my future boss. My old boss is leaving in a coupla weeks and this new chick will have spent a month training before she actually takes over. This week, I'm training her in my job. The upside is that she's not an idiot, so I don't have to keep explaining the same thing to her until I hit her with a frying pan (a good quality in a boss). The downside is that I ain't got nuthin to do while she does my job. I can't even turn to my old friend the intra-net because she's on my computer. But she has to learn because she'll be doing my job while I'm gone next week (yay!).
Now the real story.
I got my ipod. This is actually what paid for it. I told her the price - which I won't mention here, but I will point out that it was a large enough sum to cover materials, labor, the ipod, and still quite a bit of extra - and she cut me a check and threw in a "oh can you redo the earrings with a gold wire?" I said no, but then she convinced me ("I'm a typical Virgo - I want everything to be perfect, not that this isn't already perfect...") by agreeing to pay more. Whatevs.
I got the regular silver nano. I put a picture of a penguin on it, very similar to that one. The penguin makes me happy. When you connect your ipod to your computer for the first time, you are asked to give it a name. The default for me was "Des's ipod" but we all know that I'm not one for defaults. My ipod's name is "dunky munky doo." That name makes me laugh, and the penguin spreading his arms to give me a hug makes me laugh too.
Aside from itunes breaking 10 billion times and freezing my computer, I am pro- dunky munky doo. I really like having my own personal soundtrack to make me feel like I'm in a movie, and I like busting out laughing for apparently no reason when something from Dash Rip Rock's Hee Haw Hell* comes on, or the overture from Carmina Burana bursts out with all its loudness.
There was a moment on the train, going over the bridge when "Blue Angel" by the Squirrel Nut Zippers was playing. The sun was sparkling off the East River, but not blinding me. There was a boat on the river. The skyline was perfectly illuminated by the not-quite-setting sun. All was right and perfect in the world. This is when I appreciated my own personal soundtrack.
The only problem (aside from people thinking I'm the crazy person on the train when I laugh suddenly) is that I can't hear myself, so I don't know if I'm just singing in my head or actually belting out a tune that others can hear. I've been known to do this type of thing, after all. (And what's the point of bringing music with you if you can't enjoy it?) But that's hardly a negative.
* It's a rock(abilly)-opera based on Dante's Inferno. Of course I own this cd!
2 days ago
I have the same ipod, but not the picture:o)
You'll surprise yourself with how much you'll get attached to it.
I'm a compulsive sticker-er. Everything I own has something on it.
if my brother hadn't had mine engraved, i'd probably put my last cuss sticker on mine.
and you know that i'm a major classics dork when the first two times i read the title of this post as 'hap-ih-deez', like parmenides or empedocles or hippocrates. yeesh!
I read it that way too. :)
The great thing about that title is that in can be read many ways.
I love my iPod. The Big Giraffe also loves it so he will be getting his own for his birthday.
I'm addicted to it already. Now I understand why EVERYONE has one.
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