The Gunfighter may not have realized it at the time of the tagging, but I am a grade A bibliophile. A gal doesn't pursue her PhD in Literature if she isn't. I've even coined a new term for it, which I will now introduce to the world. Literaturist: One who specializes in literature. Not to be confused with Literologist (one who studies literature). Of course, one can be both. And I am.
Now this:
Hardback, Trade Paperback, or Mass Market Paperback?
Paperbacks are more convenient; they're cheaper and easier to carry around. But hardbacks are fun. Someday when I have a big house with lots of room for books, I plan on having 2 versions of each book (at least).
Amazon or brick and mortar?
I love going into bookstores and browsing. I like the smell of books. However I will order online if I am looking for something specific, like for a class. Usually not amazon, though. ( or
Barnes & Noble or Borders?
Barnes & Noble. There was only one of the 2 in Davis (a Borders) and they cut down their classical section to 1 shelf, consisting of Dante's Inferno (not even the whole trilogy) and a couple others. So I am still mad at the whole chain.
Bookmark or Dog Ear?
Bookmark. I have many.
Alphabetize by author, alphabetize by title, or random?
When I first moved and set up the bookshelves, books were organized by genre, then by author, then by title. Some of them are still in this "order." But, we have purchased many more books than we have shelf space for, so there are many random piles about. Sometimes it takes some looking to find what I need.
Keep, throw away, or sell?
Keep. Always. There have been a few instances in which people received books for gifts because I read it and thought it would be perfect for them. I only sell books if it's something like a test-prep book or something I no longer need.
Keep dust jacket or toss it?
I keep them, but I hate them. But I do like the "protective" quality of them. When they are too ripped or whatever, I have no qualms about tossing it.
Read with dust jacket on, or remove it?
Leave it on, unless it's really bugging me. If I get around to taking it off, I'll never get around to replacing it.
Short Story or Novel?
Both. Novels last longer, obviously, and I go through them like lightning. But there are people like O.Henry that need to write short stories. Great authors can do both, and I will read them.
Collection (short stories by the same author) or Anthology (short stories by different authors)?
Whatever. Anthologies are a good way to be introduced to new authors, which can then be purchased in collections.
Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket?
I've never read the Lemony Snickets, but the Harry Potters are fun. I enjoy them, even though there is no challenge. Sometimes you just need a diversion.
Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks?
I try to stop at chapter breaks, but I sometimes run out of time (i.e. on the train, or waiting for someone).
"It was a dark and stormy night" or "Once Upon a Time"?
Both. I'm not picky.
Buy or borrow?
Buy. I am one of those weirdos that will read a book more than once if I like it. But I will borrow too.
New or Used?
Used books have more character. I rarely buy new releases, so I can usually find what I'm looking for either way.
Buying choice: Reviews, recommendations, or browse?
Browsing. I judge books by their covers. Like I said, I'm not picky. It all works out.
Tidy Ending or cliffhanger?
As long as it is well written and leaves me satisfied, either one is ok. None of this hackneyed crap though.
Morning, afternoon, or evening reading?
All of them. Plus middle of the night.
Standalone or series?
Depends. If it's a series, I like to read the first one first (gasp). But sometimes only one book in a series is any good. If the first one is good then I'll read the second. If that's good, I'll go on. And so forth.
Favorite Book of which no one else has heard?
All of them.
Favorite books read last year?
I read about a book a week. I can't even name all that I read last year, even if I were looking at my shelf.
Favorite Books of All time:
Alice in Wonderland
I, Robot
The Inferno
But Like I said, I'm not picky.
Anyone and everyone. If you read books to pass time. If you are literate at all. Or if you need something to write about.
Suspension Bridge
1 day ago
I thought a Literologist was someone who studied litter. And couldn't spell..
Maybe to themselves. To the world they are Litterologists. Or maybe there's even a fancier word that I don't know because its not my area of expertise.
Pursuing a PhD. eh?
I knew I liked you!!!
I have all the Lemony Snickets. You should borrow some. I think you will like them a lot.
gf - Hopefully I'm starting the program this August.
suz - I'll take 'em. I didn't like the movie much, but that's not the books' fault.
Books Books Books! I love them all too! I like the library though-they don't always have best sellers avaliable right away but I'm patient when it comes to that and there's just something about the library-oh I know, it's free! If I love it-I'll go to B&N and buy it.
In high school I lived down the street from a library. I lived there during the summer. And in college, the town library would have giant book sales every coupla months - like all you can fit in a paper bag for $2. I got a lot of things there. :)
Smart chicks... sooo hot!
(trust me on this... I married a supersmart chick with a Ph.D)
big sexy brain....
Big sexy brain... that's my wife.
Myself, I'm not terribly bright, I'm usful for carrying heavy things and cooking.
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