I've mentioned before that people are finding this site by typing in "des naughty at home." What bothers me now is that more people are coming here with those search terms (or some variation) than are my normal readers. And these perverts (as they are looking for a porno site) don't even stick around to enjoy themselves here before they enjoy themselves over at the right place. But most of them are from other countries, so maybe they don't speak or read english. They can appreciate pictures, though, and that site has plenty of pictures - graphic close ups. Yes, I've looked at it. I wanted to see what all the fuss is about. My main beef is that the "des" in question spells her name entierely wrong. Deserae or some crap. Second, she's a "naughty housewife." So this site caters to people that need to get off on other people's wives.
Why are people googling those terms? How hard is it to type in naughty at home dot com? (I don't want to actually link to it because then I'll get even more looky-loos that I don't want.)
So people, if you're looking for porno, why not stick around and read my blog first? It has nothing to do with what you're looking for, but it's still good clean fun.
And now so everyone can read it:
Dutch: Zo mensen, als u rond porno, waarom niet stok zoekt en mijn blog eerst leest? Het heeft niets met wat te doen u zoekt, maar het is nog goede schone pret.
French: Ainsi les gens, si vous recherchez le porno, pourquoi pas bâton autour et ont lu mon blog d'abord ? Il n'a rien à faire avec ce que vous recherchez, mais c'est encore bon amusement propre.
Italian: Così la gente, se state cercando il porno, perchè non bastone intorno ed ha letto il mio blog in primo luogo? Ha niente a che fare con che cosa state cercando, ma è ancora buon divertimento pulito.
Spanish: ¿Tan la gente, si usted está buscando el porno, por qué no palillo alrededor y leyó mi blog primero? No tiene nada hacer con lo que usted está buscando, pero sigue siendo buena diversión limpia.
German: So Leute, wenn Sie nach Porno suchen, warum nicht Stock herum und lasen mein blog zuerst? Es hat nichts, zu tun mit, nach was Sie suchen, aber es ist noch guter sauberer Spaß.
There, that should cover my bases.
Incoming Asteroid
20 hours ago
omg des, did a babelfish throw up? that's the funniest French I've ever heard - except for the time when I tried to talk dirty to Monsieur and he just stared at me and said, "Why, in heaven's name, would I want to ejaculate on your liver?"
So are you saying that there won't be porno on this site.
And that I keep coming back for just the content without any hope of porno..
Ok, I guess..
yh - I didn't even read the translations,because, well, I don't speak those other language. Except Spanish. And I just read that one right now, and in my semi-drunkenness it totally made a little sense. So yes, a babelfish did throw up.
hb - there will be porno, just not of the kind that these people are looking for.
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