Is it wrong for me to hope someone gets fired? To revel in their being yelled at? To be glad when I hear them being more than rude to others, because I know that cosmic justice will come all the more swiftly?
I know I can’t make karma happen, but isn’t there a way I can speed it up? I’m not interested in my reward for putting up with the constant rudeness and the incompetence. I am, however, looking forward to being done with it, and the offender getting their just desserts.
It works the other way too; not just the actions of a vengeful des. To all the people that donate $20 to the animal shelter because they see that we have a whole litter of puppies to take care of because some idiot abandoned them – great things are in store for these people. Incidentally, anyone who doesn’t like puppies in an insensitive, heartless bastard without a soul. You don’t have to take the puppy home, but at least acknowledge that all puppies are cute, and you’re a little jealous of the volunteers that get to play with them and hold them all day, even if the puppies lick the volunteer’s face while the volunteer is trying to talk. (ps - bad karma for the guy who abandoned them originally.)
If I were in charge of dealing out karmic rewards and punishments, you can be sure that everyone would get exactly what was coming to them. Here’s a primer:
Being a total jerk to everyone around you for no reason = bad.
Donating to animal shelters (and other charities) because your heartstrings have been pulled = good.
It’s really a very simple system. If there are any questions, please ask. Though keep in mind that asking does take away a few cosmic points. But after you ask a few times, you should be able to decide what’s good and what’s bad for yourself, thus earning the points back.
Incoming Asteroid
2 days ago
I was constantly hoping for two people in particular to lose their jobs at my old employ. They both got promoted.
Karma, thou art a bitch.
They'll get theirs...
Maybe all the coworkers we hate will end up together somewhere really evil. I'll have to think about which circle of des' hell they go in.
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