Thursday, September 14, 2006

some people...

So the point of a conversation I had earlier with Coworker K is that the she, the one other person in my department (besides the boss of the entire office), has no idea what I do here I have taken 3 people’s jobs since I was hired a year ago (plus part of hers, which she is still mad about*), but she hasn’t noticed that these people don’t work here anymore. Or she notices, but hasn’t made the connection.

She has been filling out a certain form for a few years now, with the same procedure, and still doesn’t get how, why, or when to do it. And it’s not a complicated form: customer name, address, phone, etc. No tricky numbers or codes. Nothing that’s not on the computer screen in front of her, in boxes labeled the same way they are on the form. She asks me if she did it right, I tell her why it’s wrong, and she messes it up even worse. Then she doesn’t know who to give the “completed” form to, even though she’s been giving it to me for a year, and the person who sat exactly where I sit now, before me for 10 years. Yet she knows to ask me for help.

The nice thing about this office is that procedure rarely changes. That’s why I don’t understand her confusion. She acts like every time she does something, she’s learning it for the first time, and that everything besides what she does (very little) gets done by magic elves. The rest of us are here only for her to talk to. Thus, she also doesn’t understand why I get annoyed while I’m trying to work and she’s yammering on about her grandma’s cat.

This is why I work best by myself, with nobody else around.

Ok, sorry. I just had to rant and gripe for a minute, there.

*The only reason she still works here is because the remaining part of her job involves calling the customers and asking them why they aren’t paying their bills. Everyone knows that I do not call people, so as long as she remains good at that then her job is safe. From the boss’s mouth to my ears.

And if she didn’t screw up the other part (and take forever to do that) then I wouldn’t have been delegated her work.


SUEB0B said...

I had this co-worker, too. I finally figured out that she thought if she acted stupid, other people would do her work for her, which was pretty accurate.

To me, it is so pathetic that someone would rather spend time acting dumb than just filling out the stupid form.

super des said...

Yeah I make sure that I don't actually do her work. And I make sure Boss knows. I'm a tattle like that.

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