Someone stumbled across my blog by googling this phrase:
how big is a dinosaur's penius (sic)
First off, they spelled penis wrong.
Secondly, they used the present tense "is" in describing this penius. As far as I know, and I am actually pretty in with the latest dinosaur findings, a dinosaur penis has never been found. I attribute this to the fact that peni (pee-nye, the plural) are made of muscle, and muscle doesn't fossilize like bone. Except for some mammals, but they are freaks.
I don't know how they came across this blog. As far as I know, I have never written a blog concerning dinosaur peni, and if I had, I would most certainly spell penis correctly.
Human Altitude
2 days ago
The plural of "penis" should not be "peni", as that would be the plural of "penus".
The plural of "penis" would be "penes". Which is funnier. Say "penes" out loud, and admit it - it's funny.
Think "penis crisis", then think of the plural "penes crises". Then laugh. I love English.
That's a very good point. Penes. HA hA hA.
I'm gonna guess they were pretty big
I can't find you on there. But I did find a site where one apparently can watch a "fat woman fuckig an interrational video clip," which is not something you see every day.
Interrational-extending across or transcending rational boundaries.
fuckig-having sex while suffering from a bad head cold or allergies
penius-(plural Penia) largely imaginary or imaginitively large genetalia. Interrational genetalia.
well, anyway
I always make the most typos when I'm making fun of other people's typos. Never fails.
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