Here's what I've been doing the last few days at work. I still have internet access, but I've decided that I don't want the company tracking me and possibly reading my blogs. And I have absolutely no work to do. So I fill my time other ways (not that the internet would fill all of this time!):
1. Solitaire.
This is the first time I've ever played solitaire at work and I don't have a problem with it. I've even won a few.
2. One-finger typing.
I press the button, bend my arm at the elbow, and with finger still extended, I raise my hand to my head. Then I go back to hit another button.
3. Walk slowly.
I take my sweet time transporting items from one place to another, sometimes unnecessarily, and always one item at a time.
4. Draw pictures.
I have discovered the magic of Microsoft Paint, and re-discovered the magic of colored sharpees and highlighters.
5. Do my nails.
a. First I give myself a complete manicure. I carefully trim and shape my nails, using all my neat little tools.
b. Then I color my nails with a permanent marker. I decided a red sharpee would do wonders for my chipped nail polish. It was a good idea until the permanent ink became not-so-permanent and came off all over my hands. I figured I'd give it one more shot, but after the second try, that was it.
6. Really enjoy my music.
If I have to stop what I'm doing to listen carefully and learn the words to a song, so be it. If I already know the words, I listen to the subtle melodic tones that I may have missed before. It is no longer just background music.
7. Write stories.
I write them out longhand in a notebook with a pen. Just as I do with my blogs now.
p.s. I forgot about writer's cramp. Oh man!
As you can see, there are over a thousand ways my time would be better spent. However, I can't quit my boring job to spend my days reading, sleeping, going to the park, beading, etc. because I still need some sort of income. Most people wouldn't complain about being paid for doing absolutely nothing, but I'm not the type that likes to be bored.
Uncanceled Units
1 day ago
These are all creative time fillers. Good work! May I suggest adding Mindsweeper to your repertoire? It is quite an addictive little game.
I think it is actually very hard to have a job with long stretches with nothing to do. Suebob can definitely relate...
Yeah, I've also considered hearts and free cell. All in due time, my dear. And I have the feeling that if Suebob and I had unrestricted internet access at work, we could make a nice chat room.
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