I took my own advice. I went outside. (FYI, "outside" is that place between the train and your destination.) This was good because even though it was a hot day, I'm tired of hanging out in bars. I need a new drink anyway; one can only have so many rum & cokes in a row. Friday I had 7. Saturday I had another 2. It's not that I got so drunk that I can never drink rum & coke again, it's just that it's boring now because that's all I ever get. What can I say - I go out for Happy Hour, which is normally a special on well drinks. Cheap rum mixes well with cheap coke.
Anyway, there was a park picnic. 6 of us with assortments of various bread-like products and various things to dip them in. Also various things to drink. There was beer, but in order to stick to my "I don't like beer" lifestyle, I drank a lot of water. There were a couple fun games of "Hide the Beer While the Cop Drives By" because we are in high school, but they weren't actually that exciting as the beer was already hidden.
2 incidents stand out in my mind:
1. There were at least 2 innappropriate sunbathers. Men wearing just their tightie whities, one of whom was continually wadding them up in order to expose more ass flesh. There was one chick sunbathing in her bra, but she wasn't in my direct line of vision, and she was wearing shorts. It was a joyous day when both men were fully clothed once again.
2. While some compatriots were playing catch with the nerf football, the remaining picniker and I heard a noise like a helicopter crashing. It was in fact an enormous flying bug, a cockroach-wasp hybrid that was about 3 inches long and carrying a dead beetle that was as big as it was. It was quite an unpleasant time, especially when the hybrid decided to make my friend's jacket his new home. A quick throw of the football and the running away of us eventually led to the creature's retreat. He did, however, leave his dead beetle for us to deal with. It was flung into the roadway.
After wandering through the park and Downtown Brooklyn trying to find a bathroom to relieve myself of all that non-beer I drank earlier, we found ourselves on the train headed home. Of course the train going to my house wasn't running, so Craig & I got a shuttle bus. This is generally less fun than the train because it is more cramped and more crowded. (Those are 2 different things because the seats are closer together and there are more people per square inch.) We got seats, but we were squished up against Drunk Guy. DG kept leaning forward, and I thought he was going to puke on my shoes (bare-toed, by the way!) until I realized he was just sleeping on the unfortunate people that were forced to stand directly in front of us. I was sad for them, as DG was leaning his head on whomever's middle section his head flopped forward and found. When they could, these people moved far away. DG would "wake up" once in a while to slurrily interject in people's conversations. At the end of the ride he woke up enough to make fun of a fat kid for a while. That was a little funny but we were trying not to laugh because we didn't want DG to follow us home with the hopes of continuing a conversation.
So after a long day in the hot sun - fine, the hot shade - we were home and ready for sleep. Shower first, sleep second. Don't want all that lovely park dirt / sweat / DG germs coming to bed with me. And that's why I'm so tired today.
Human Altitude
1 day ago
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