Monday, June 26, 2006

typical workday

I had to kill everyone at work today. I won't go into any incriminating details, but they asked me the same exact question (and received the same exact answer) one too many times in a row.

In my defense, I am helping humanity by putting a little chlorine in the gene pool.

The good news is, I don't have to deal with them at all any more. The bad news is, I might be going away for a while. They'll let me blog in jail, right?


Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

Where did you put the bodies? I'll help you chop them up. We'll be the goodbellas. We wack for a small fee. Clean up extra.

super des said...

Bumper sticker I've seen: "Friends help you move, Real friends help you move bodies."
That's so sweet of you.

I need to find a way to dispose of lots of bodies, as I often go on killing sprees such as this.

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